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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, I don't really any problems playing with either mouse and keyboard or a controller. Although, I have used controllers more.
  2. Yeah exactly, it's definitely more suitable for hand held gaming then smartphone and it's way too robust for gaming.
  3. Seriously, I still doubt what CDC did with the vaccine development because it's not looking like the vaccine is actually effective to the virus at all.
  4. Exactly, if it's a game that's very challenging like Bloodborne or Dark Souls, you wouldn't even know when they beat your life out of you.
  5. The sooner you can get your new PC for your games the better it's going to be for you when it comes to the games that you would have available to play.
  6. Yeah, eventually everything about video games is going to highlighted that it's going to be too realistic to the point where it can't be differentiated with real life.
  7. Once their YouTube channel is all set up and fully monetized, they can easily make money off their reviews that's watched by millions of gamers.
  8. You can't play all of them at the same time, so you have to draw up a plan for your playing schedule if you have already purchased all of the games.
  9. It all comes with experience in the game. No one learns everything in a single day when it comes to gaming. It's a gradual learning curve.
  10. It's better that the console is put in use than having it all parked up and getting buried ⚰ in dust that's going to kill the system.
  11. Seriously, it's going to be a whole lot of generational games that you're going to miss out on if you skip 3 generation of the PS consoles.
  12. Yeah exactly, it's far more better for the tips to come sooner in the gameplay when it's more important then when it's not useless unless I want to replay the game.
  13. Seriously, there is no problem with having more reviews from several sources on a particular game because it gives you more info from different angles.
  14. Sometimes you don't even know when you are up on your feet when the gaming pressure kicks in. It's happened to me on several occasions.
  15. I have some old friends who still play on their SEGA consoles till date. Mine is still functional and I do still play it once in a while.
  16. My very good friend still makes use of wired controllers and he's loving it very much like the wireless controllers never really came out to his knowledge.
  17. I can't really remember who introduced me to making use of Twitch but I think that it's either from Discord or even here on VGR. Ever since, it's been an amazing experience.
  18. What's your budget for the gaming PC like? It's going to determine what kind of PC that you are looking at purchasing.
  19. Good friends are hard to come by these days. It's why I keep the those that are really worth it very close and not letting them go.
  20. SKE SMART KEY ENERGY is sold on Amazon for $157.
  21. I wouldn't get into Factory reset if I'm not really ready to lose my login details to most of my Gmail accounts which I have more than 10 logged in once.
  22. Yeah, as far as getting games is concerned, backlog can't be exhausted because there are so many games that can't be bought out.
  23. There is possibility for that and it all depends on the trading 💹 capital used for the trade!!
  24. I really feel for gamers with disabilities especially when it affects the their gaming and general life in a whole.
  25. I have been playing Overwatch since today being that I'm at home and not going anywhere.
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