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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I think that I have seen some games that are just $5 on steam. I will have it checked out again just to be sure.
  2. I hate to say it but I had a friend like that and I only ever visited his home just once in my life and I will never do that again.
  3. I actually think that there is a discount buy on the game currently on Steam when I had it checked out last.
  4. Exactly, yes I know that it's actually more expensive than some smartphone, but the worth of it with gaming is definitely worth it.
  5. Seriously, it's the best part of the game because it gives you a good sense of close connection with all of your old pals.
  6. If everyone is in support of that feature, it means that something is fishy in my opinion because it's not possible for that to happen at all.
  7. Just start out your treatment and Isolation immediately because the sooner the better in my opinion.
  8. The both games are still fresh in my backlog. I wouldn't even call them old games because they are still being played recently.
  9. You haven't seen horrible pigs in the form of human beings. They can be very disgusting with how messy they can be.
  10. The simple justifiably reason for that is that you actually loved playing with your Playstation 1 console more that you couldn't let it go.
  11. I would never give away any of my SEGA consoles away even my SEGA Dreamcast. I had my PS1 to PS3 dashed out.
  12. I hardly sell any of my weapons because when it comes to weapons, I'm a very big collector. It gives me joy seeing my stash of weapons.
  13. I posted a lady on bare boobs dancing on my status and not on the Facebook general news feed wall.
  14. Wow, he's quite fast with his playing of GTA 5 in my opinion. Most of my friends are still yet to have the game completed.
  15. Well, for some gamers that are into rushing games that they play, it's a big thing for them and I wouldn't stand in their way at all.
  16. As long as it allows me vision into the game that I'm playing with, it's simply all that matters most.
  17. You should check out if you are becoming an introvert because it's how it starts for most people who are suffering from being introverts now.
  18. Money is everything to gamers because it's what determines what they can play and not play because it's what gets games for them.
  19. Seriously, I would go fully crazy over such thing happening to someone that's very close to me and having Samsung do that trash.
  20. Some gamers are very good at that when it comes to gifting their fellow gamers some games just to put smiles on their faces.
  21. Most people don't fancy getting Nintendo Switch because of how expensive it is but they forget how it's a better gaming platform than smartphone.
  22. Seriously, that's been the way with me over 30 years that I have been actively playing games. My money is what determines what I play and not play.
  23. I think that the game Bioshock 2 is actually available on Playstation 3, so if you want to get it, you can easily do that from Steam.
  24. True, there is no need for you to keep going head to head with a game that you can't simply break. Moving on is the best way forward in my opinion.
  25. I started out playing this game last two weeks with some crazy close friends of mine and it's been all fun all through.
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