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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. They were made for the purpose of giving an edge to the physical copies of games which is being of some weird challenge for gamers.
  2. Xbox 360 was really very popular when it came out during the SEGA consoles war and a lot of my folks got it at the time.
  3. The games accessibility is all up to the gamer who's playing the game in the level of difficulty he's comfortable to play.
  4. I wouldn't call it persevering the game because I would definitely get into playing the game when I have the time to do so.
  5. Seriously, I really like playing The Last Of Us II the same way I love playing Ghost of Tsushima. Those games are really very big part of my life now.
  6. I'm going to cool down and pick out one or more games that I'm going to purchase for play this year which I hope wouldn't disappoint me.
  7. This game pretty much looks intense from all the looks of it. It's not something like wrestling but more intense.
  8. It's why some people prefer to use PC for their gaming as it allows them to make use of the PC to take care of their other online activities.
  9. Yeah exactly, Google is keyed in almost everything that's connected to online. It's why we can't let it go especially with data and everything.
  10. It's more like a 50/50 thing I guess when it comes to how often you like being in doors and being out door as well.
  11. Some gamers are just in too much haste to play their games which is why they can't stay away from getting hooked up in the web 🕸 of microtransactions.
  12. I personally liked playing The Last Of Us II more the Skyrim. It's not that I hate Skyrim but The Last Of Us II is far more interesting.
  13. Yeah, the game is very interesting when I got into playing it at first. It's definitely among my top 10 most realistic games.
  14. Exactly, those fans keeps buying whatever these companies makes for them and they will definitely defend the games no matter.
  15. Well, over the years, they have been there battling for the top spot, I don't really think that anyone of them is getting hooked off the joint.
  16. Unless of course, it's the free games that you can easily add to your games which wouldn't ask you for one dollar 💵.
  17. Wow, you're also a huge fan of GTA games series as well as your motorcycle racing games as well. That's very interesting to say the least.
  18. Finally, I was able to complete The Last Of Us first part again this year. I was looking forward to having completed again to make it 2x.
  19. Seriously, it would really be a big mess if you have auto saves happening in an active race 🏎.
  20. Yeah exactly, it's one of the downside of old hardware. It can't be able to keep up with the latest updates.
  21. Yeah, the flexibility is out of this world. I don't really think that I have seen anything like that. I might be looking at getting it.
  22. I can remember when I used to jump from hotmail to Gmail and even email back then but now, I'm only hooked up to Gmail and that's it for me for now.
  23. You don't really have to apologize for that because in some situations, there are some gamers who would easily afford paying more than $60.
  24. Seriously, I'd never like to experience that kind of outcome when it comes to getting banned because the loss is definitely going to be a big pain in the ass.
  25. Seriously, reviews are the best way to know if you are to get any game or not. Once it's not reaching that level of acceptance, it's definitely not worth getting at all.
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