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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I can remember when my sister used to allow her kids mess with her smartphone and it's smashed like hell. The screen is nothing to write home about.
  2. Once he's got a good guide, he's definitely going to get better at it. It's the same thing with my niece who's just 7 years old, she totally rocks in some of the games she plays.
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2 still hit a very strong part in me till today. It does have it pitfalls but it totally rocks for me.
  4. Just like what happened to the Nintendo Wii U console which in my opinion wasn't even supposed to be released but Nintendo felt like they had something to prove which still ended up badly for the console.
  5. Most security guards all stand for a living. I think they don't sit down till their days job is over most of the time.
  6. It's actually why getting attached to people is very difficult for me because when they break off from you, you will start getting some odd mixed feelings that wouldn't be easy on you.
  7. Before I got really good at playing racing video games, I was called crash master by my friends because I would keep crashing like my life depends on it.
  8. Seriously, I know how long it took me to master the controls of Detroit Become Human when I started out playing it back then. It wasn't an easy task for me.
  9. Minecraft was also a kind of game that really got me fatigued immediately and it's part of the reason why I don't play the game till date.
  10. Yeah exactly, during the lockdown, I think that I was actually able to complete at least 3 games and notably Need for Speed Heat.
  11. Exactly, a lot of people who started YouTube channel all ended up failing to get it up to the level of being monetized.
  12. It's actually why I'm getting a hang of playing on PC now because I'm making new friends who are more PC gamers and they help me a lot.
  13. I still checked out the one time again and I have decided to get the game but not going to start out playing it immediately for now.
  14. Nintendo Switch is specifically designed for playing video games while smartphone is designed to do more than gaming alone, so it can't be best in both.
  15. Seriously, when it's that difficult to break down the game, you will have to improvise in order to deal with the accessibility issues it's going to present.
  16. I think that a fellow member here M76 have the same dispositions towards having NTFs in video games.
  17. My advice is that you stop playing for now. Maybe give yourself 2 or 3 weeks time off and get better properly before you start playing again. Let your eyes rest too.
  18. Partial contact with wired controllers is something that is very common. I think that it happened to all who made use of wired controllers back then.
  19. It's what comes with purchasing the games that are worth playing. They will give you the kind of satisfaction that you can't let go easily.
  20. I'm very sure that most gamers who are yet to get their hands on Playstation 5 will do almost anything to get it checked out this year.
  21. You're very welcome my friend. I hope the offer would be available by then when you are ready for it. Good luck.
  22. What games are out already in 2022 that's just few days old? Or do you mean the proposed games that are yet to come out?
  23. That might probably be the case from the looks of it because there is no other way to justify their purchase choices.
  24. I saw a new movie on Resident Evil last night and it's still about Raccoon City. Like they don't have anything else to make?
  25. Yeah, you're correct about LG no longer in the business production of smartphone. They are now in the making of other electronics products but not phones.
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