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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, it's the only way they believe that they are doing their users a favor for their data that sell after they agreed to their terms and conditions which they update always.
  2. There are so many games that allows you to do that where you can set enemies to fight one another. Games like Shadows of War Mordor is a perfect example in the pits fights. Also you can do something similar in Assassin’s Creed making use of berserk to turn enemies against themselves.
  3. Seriously, it took me ages before I got used to playing with analog sticks but now it's the only control I will use for my racing games.
  4. This is a very common thing that happens most of the time and it's more likely to happen to newbie gamers who are yet to catch up.
  5. I'm looking at having our subconscious tapped into the gaming world where the character appears to be your real copy where you feel exactly what happens to you in the gaming world in real life except dying.
  6. For now, I will gladly boycott games from EA more any other gaming company depending on the kind of games per say they have released that's not likely going to worth it.
  7. Haha, like the boss have 9 lives that would require 3 stage kills to end him. Seriously, that's ridiculously silly in my opinion.
  8. Once I figured out that it's not something I would fancy to play which happens rarely, I'd get a refund if it's possible or give away the game.
  9. The impact of Sony and Playstation in the gaming industry can never be overemphasized with over 1 million sales it had more than SEGA and Nintendo had at the time.
  10. I really enjoyed playing some of the Rap artists especially DMX. He's one hell of a player.
  11. Personally, I hardly sell mine even though I know that I might not have use for it, but the troubles I went through getting it makes it hard for me to let go.
  12. For the fact that it's just in games, they hardly affect me that much unless there are cases of share inhuman aggression on the innocence like what took place in Spec Ops : The Line.
  13. I know tips and tricks back then. It's quite a good leader board for uploading gaming scores. Although, I never really uploaded mine, I closely monitored what went on in the site.
  14. I'm very well going to recommend starting out playing The Last Of Us II as it's definitely going to offer you a lot of things that you would least expect from the game.
  15. It's only once that I have been banned in a regular forum and not a gaming forum when I had a big misunderstanding with one of the moderators, although the ban was later lifted.
  16. Exactly, as long as it's something that will always come in handy in the future.. Why worry too much about it since they have given me the tips already.
  17. I'm actually yet to see this movie. Is it only available on Amazon Prime? If I can get it on Netflix, I'd be watching it today.
  18. I happened to see one on Amazon. Just try and have it checked out. I hope it's something useful for what you are looking for. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Retro-Gaming-Byte-sized-History-Video/dp/1912785102/ref=pd_aw_vtp_1/262-6920940-2746336?pd_rd_w=tDjcR&pf_rd_p=5bac7bbc-ac46-408a-ab3a-9b7156f2d1a3&pf_rd_r=VV7BJ4NY642QW3NH02XG&pd_rd_r=0b81be51-78f1-4ece-a966-c41e87651966&pd_rd_wg=RKY1X&pd_rd_i=1912785102&psc=1
  19. Seriously, there are some times that I get to reason if it's a glitch that causes that which I'm not sure at all.
  20. If you can add gaming frustration pain to the list of pains once get in gaming, them I'm definitely getting a lot of pains aside from the hardware inflicted pains and sitting cramps and all.
  21. If it's not alcoholic beverages, I'm not interested in it. I can do drinking milk 🥛 once in a while but that's just about it.
  22. Seriously, Square Enix better not wriggle with another Final Fantasy 7 Remake or whatever they could think of because they are definitely going to ruin all the good that the game have already.
  23. I have already set up playing Overwatch today. Once I'm done with what I'm doing for today, I'm getting into it.
  24. Seriously, some tragic events in your favorite video games can hit you so hard that you hit rock bottom that's going to be very difficult to get out from.
  25. Full motion video (FMV) isn't really a trend now because of how good game's graphics have come up in the gaming industry.
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