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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, and some of the games with tech and robots like machine all feels the same way with its intense effects of graphics.
  2. Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora from Ubisoft seems like it's a game that's not going to disappoint in its graphics system make up.
  3. It's not available on Playstation 4. I think there's one available on Playstation 2 but I didn't play with my PS2 for now.
  4. If you ain't seeing it, you can't be good with interpreting it very well in my opinion. It's why doing it right is very important.
  5. The last time I played FIFA games that ended up getting to penalties, I didn't have any choice to play it not standing up and hiding my console controller.
  6. I actually dumped my SEGA Dreamcast when Xbox and GameCube hit the market. I think it's my only old console I never respected well.
  7. When you are just new to any games that you have never played on your own in the past, it would always be challenging for you to master the controls.
  8. Old memories are always that fun in my opinion, I don't really know what other people think because I'd never joke with what links me up with my past.
  9. Yes of course, I know him very well. He's been a great guy with me for a long time now, so I know exactly what he's up to.
  10. If they aren't making money, I really wonder what else they would be doing because making money and sucking the gamers dried is the only thing they are very good at.
  11. It's why learning is very important to me when it comes to picking up something that I never really have any knowledge on in the past.
  12. I think if my memory serves me correctly, I was actually able to complete only 2 games last year's December at most.
  13. Have you played Dying Light : Bad Blood? It's another good series in Dying Light games that's made. I did enjoyed playing it for a while.
  14. Seriously, Google is too big to do that but on the other hand, information is worth more than one can ever imagine.
  15. Let me see if I can get the GIF video of the display now.
  16. He may end up stopping playing FIFA games but I'm definitely not sure if he'd ever stop playing Motorcycle games because it's his favorite.
  17. Gambling is never going to favoring you all the time. In fact, you would end up losing more than you earn over the year.
  18. A lot of games suffered from how they started out with their game selling. It's why some consoles didn't survive the console wars back then.
  19. The year 2022 is still very young, you might end up getting something new during the Easter break holiday..
  20. What's your experience with playing on Nintendo Switch compared to what you experienced when you were playing on smartphone?
  21. I actually adapted very easily with playing any Need for Speed series. Yeah, some can be challenging but it's not that too hard to get used to.
  22. That's very thoughtful of you to link up with email because it's going to make it very easy to get in contact with each other.
  23. Even though it's a first person shooting survival horror game, it's actually a good one in my opinion.
  24. It's always going to be very difficult for gamers to have their perfect characters made which is why characters customization is very important.
  25. As far as I'm concerned, it's definitely going to between WatchMojo and AngryJoe for me when it comes choosing. With WatchMojo having over 24 million subscribers.
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