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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's basically what it's going to be from the tech make up of the device components at the time.
  2. Wow, the flexibility of the MS arc tec mouse looks great. I have never seen anything like it before.
  3. What trends in the 90s, isn't really a big deal now which is basically why I believe that it's faded off now and never to get back up to that spot it used to have.
  4. Yeah, it's actually why I can't stop making use of their services no matter the challenge they have with users privacy and reliability.
  5. It's actually something that's going to take a while for it to hit that level and that's definitely going to be long time till that happens.
  6. Seriously, it's one big part on fingers crossed because anything that's not going to go down on the side of normality, it's going to be hell for us.
  7. There are other views on the game Battlefield 2042. I wouldn't call it total crap in my opinion. There are some letdown but it doesn't make it an all out bad game.
  8. Just like some gaming companies have come to an end as a result of their poor policies like Konami and the rest.
  9. Seriously, it's the same thing with me as well because I know how long it took me and I even had to go off the game for a while.
  10. Mission Impossible is one of the games that I have really enjoyed playing on my smartphone years ago. I never checked it out on my PS4.
  11. Exactly, why they can't stay on the top for too long is that once they keep getting competition, and once they slack, they will definitely get knocked down.
  12. They are not really paid to stand but it's what comes with the job. So, it's more or less what they are trained to do, so it helps them in the process.
  13. If I happen to get any cousins who can play that well with such maturity, I'd be happy to play games all day long and always with him.
  14. Seriously, it's the exact same experience that I had playing Need for Speed at the time I started into racing games but I got better along the line.
  15. Exactly, just like I still have some old generation consoles of mine and not just the Nintendo 64, my Sega console is still here with me too.
  16. This is 2022 mate, so enough of dreaming, just wake up to the reality of how things are now. How far with your new console purchase plan?
  17. Seriously, it's what we have seen happening a lot and it's been a pattern for them which is going to be very difficult for them to drop it.
  18. There is always a possibility that you can learn a new thing when you are open to it. It's a great idea for me to explore as well and see what I can pick up.
  19. It's actually why it's a gaming choice and you have the freedom and liberty to play any games at your will without any trouble.
  20. Yeah, the game looks quite good from the looks of it and by the years it's been in business says a lot of it in the industry.
  21. Some companies go to any extent to get business data that's going to help them make sales at the expense and privacy of the data owners.
  22. Why always you? Because you're Ballotelli 😂 Seriously, that's one of the biggest challenges of making use of Samsung devices.
  23. He's actually joining your line a little by little and before he knew what hits him, he'd rule off or rule out playing FIFA games.
  24. It's more or less with what's been talked about with NTFs, definitely their will be some supporters and those that are strongly against it.
  25. It's actually the profit making for them that counts and once they can get that through any marketing strategy, they will definitely make it happen.
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