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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There are so many gamers that I know their gaming life haven't been the same ever since the pandemic of Corona virus and it's never going to be the same again.
  2. This is exactly my thoughts because things have gotten better with game's graphics lately which puts the use of FMV out of line of high importance.
  3. It's definitely going to be Phantasmagoria video game for me. I don't even know how I got into the game but it's quite an interesting one.
  4. At first, I never really liked PC gaming at all for any reason whatsoever because I'm a born Playstation console lover but over the years, I have been seeing myself liking PC games.
  5. Personally, it's all about being made perfect in my opinion at least. But if the remake is going to kill the originality of the game, it better stay where it is.
  6. Before playing Dark Souls, a guy was all blabbing how easy it was and I hit the game up and saw hellish punishment from the fights I got into.
  7. Seriously, I hate being caught up in any kind of traps because it means that I'm not paying much attention to detail. I'd see it as I'm not taking the game seriously.
  8. Only if Gameboy isn't a handy gaming system, I would say it it still be very popular till date. Also, I have a big soft spot for my SEGA Genesis.
  9. If they allow me more option to tweak my characters customization, it wouldn't be a big problem at all because I can create my character as I see fit.
  10. When you are seriously planning and budgeting on your PS4 purchase, it's definitely going to be very hard to push for new additions now.
  11. I really felt for what happened to Arthur Morgan in RDR2. I personally died myself over and over again about it. It even gave me a sense of connection to the game.
  12. If you happen to have a feasible one that works well for you, I'm definitely interested in learning that because it's definitely going to be very helpful.
  13. Are you being serious right now buddy 😂... Samsung M7 😂!!! I'm not sure if you know your Samsung products well 😂.
  14. Exactly, some of these channels that are top rated as number 1 aren't even that good compared to what's available on WatchMojo.
  15. Seriously, only their training alone is well enough to get them well prepared to stand up for 24 hours without breaking a sweat.
  16. I think that it's something that happened that I had to take my smartphone to be formatted at one time when I wasn't able to set up back.
  17. When you don't have to worry about being fixated in from of the consoles as a result of the wire connection, you're definitely free.
  18. Once they fail to meet up to their already pushed up trend and hype, they will fade off with a speed of lightning.
  19. It's based on your point average of each players contribution in each football match that's been played.
  20. If that do come with most of the already proposed games of 2022, it's definitely going to something that's going to thrill most people.
  21. Definitely, it's based on their already made reputation in the gaming industry that's still pushing up their sales.
  22. Why most people really hate maths, and I'm equally on that table as well. I'd only get into maths if it's inevitable for me to do so.
  23. Exactly, it's now that you have got the gist and hit it with a perfect response as far as the subject matter goes.
  24. He's always of the view that once you let your financial digital footprints online, it's always going to bite back at you.
  25. Personal gaming experience and satisfaction is what stands out for most people and it's what get them to play what they wish to play.
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