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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There has been situations where one get into gambling in games but can't have access to real cash but with this project, they will be able to do so.
  2. He's quite frankly a good console collector from his stash of consoles that are seen there.
  3. Maybe it's because I haven't been much of a motorcycle game player to probably know exactly what goes on it....which I may never find out.
  4. There is no justification for doing that unless you have someone else to buy the game for which is a normal thing to do.
  5. From the looks of it, it seems that the product of Marvel is way better in terms of beauty than that of AndaSeat. The real question now would be which one is more durable...?
  6. Yeah, without that getting that way of its definitely going to be too challenging for the users with poor support systems.
  7. Yeah, it's only time that will tell. At least, you have started out with it already.
  8. The both gaming platforms are completely different and as such their gaming won't ever be the same. Even the set up and graphics will never be that close.
  9. Seriously, there are some gamers that are more open when it comes to understanding video games and playing it with a lot of maturity.
  10. If I were a friend of this Pete, I'm definitely not going to let him enjoy all these games all alone.
  11. It's actually why I'm not really a big fan of motorcycle racing games because they are naturally too easy for me to play.
  12. Alright mate. If you ever decides to make the decision a reality, I wouldn't really mind selling the console to you.
  13. What's your favorite Bioshock game among it's series of all time today?
  14. My father have never ordered for as much as a pin 📍 from any online stores. He's kind of hard old school when it comes to shopping.
  15. Definitely, if it gets to that point, I don't really see the point of wasting money to pay for pre orders any more.
  16. My sister only plays with wired controllers. The first time she played using wireless controllers, she never liked it, saying that the wires serves as a connection for her to the game.
  17. Haha, it's definitely just a wishful thinking in my opinion no matter how you look at it, it's never going to be a real thing.
  18. Personally, I never really clicked well with that Metal Gear series. I gave it a go a few times but it never registered for me.
  19. The most annoying thing is that even when the recently added games of theirs sucks like hell, they are still massively purchased.
  20. What do you really mean by the statement of an average gamer? What are the parameters for one to be seen as an average gamer?
  21. Even in free town, everything isn't free, so it's basically the same thing with video games being proposed to be completely free.
  22. There is no doubt that Angry Joe is one of the biggest reviewers in the video game's world.
  23. Seriously, some gamers don't have any kind of time for that stress, when they are 100% sure they aren't going to fixing their controllers by themselves.
  24. If it's about the money, they will never stop at what's going on right to give them a better opportunity to make more.
  25. Exactly, it's what they meet up with in the gaming industry, so they are supposed to be well aware of what went down and how it did.
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