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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I can't even remember what or why it had to last more than the usual time that it used to last with my gameplay.
  2. Scammers go through hell before they can be able to dupe the gullible one's who are too greedy to fall for their ploys.
  3. Well, in that case, I would say yes it's the reality when it comes to both companies of Samsung and GIONEE as Samsung is way better.
  4. Seriously, I wonder what's the essence of playing any video game if it doesn't offer you fun and joy as a means of entertainment?
  5. It's actually something that's expected to always happen on every Black Friday deals day as a lot of people are pushing to get in on the site.
  6. It's actually better in my opinion that they don't give any specifics yet on the exact date of the release until they are 100% sure.
  7. I have already exhausted my gaming budget for the year, otherwise I would be very interested in getting the game this year.
  8. Well, if they don't have anything about the Sega vs Nintendo console war, they will definitely know about the PlayStation vs Xbox console wars.
  9. If that's the case then, it's something that's not really worth pushing for its addition in video games make up or development.
  10. Losing the flair you have in any particular game is frustrating especially when it's a game that you used to love very much.
  11. As long as you are buying new games, and not competing them, you will definitely keep having backlogs all the time.
  12. It's definitely going to be Resident Evil 2 for me when it comes to horror games that I have played in my life.
  13. That's what parents do today with their kids when it comes getting them games for doing well in school. I do get my cousins some games now.
  14. Of course yes, there is a war of popularity and best of usage between the two brand even up to date. https://www.videogameschronicle.com/features/opinion/is-playstation-really-beating-xbox-in-the-console-war/amp/
  15. It's actually what's the best about making use of it. There are definitely going to naysayers but it's a normal thing. Not everyone is going to pleased with one's services.
  16. Well, everything depends on what's been served at the party and it's not all food that gets greasy on the hand.
  17. I completely agree with you on this one because they are the parties that's going to be deciding what stands and what get kicked out of the window.
  18. Commitment to other things that matters in life especially work where you get to make money from to take care of your responsibilities, it will definitely affect your gaming time.
  19. Final Fantasy games and everything related to it ticks for me in most cases and it's why Final Fantasy Tactics isn't far from my best early isometric games.
  20. I have had dozens of CDs gifted to me by my friends when they upgraded to playing with PS2 and I was still stuck with my PS1.
  21. Happy Christmas to you too mate and have a prosperous New Year. I know it's going to be a wonderful year.
  22. Personally, I believe that the character of Lady Dimitrescu really won and deserves the award by a long stretch.
  23. I have actually completed it twice and it care isn't taken care of, I'm still going to play it all over again because it's an awesome game.
  24. I'm yet to play this game Metroid Dread but having watched the trailer, it seems like it's an interesting game to get into.
  25. That's the reality of things which I realized and decided not to worry about something that I can't control anymore.
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