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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Funny enough, some gamers would tell you that it's an awesome game. One man's food is another man's poison.
  2. You should always try to have it in good playing shape otherwise, it will start having technical problems with not being able to load.
  3. It's like how a friend of mine is done with Capcom and their remakes of Resident Evil.
  4. Maybe there are high tech stuff that's going to be helpful in fixing corrupted files but I doubt if it would be available for public use.
  5. Something would definitely get you to stand up while you're playing games and it's definitely going to be something pushy.
  6. Little Nightmares 2 and Until Dawn are two horror games that I got back to lately.
  7. Speeding up to have a green pee 😂.. You've got to be seriously kidding me. That's hilarious.
  8. There were a whole lot of things that I couldn't do with my games when I started out from my PS1, YouTube was my big savior.
  9. When the price of the PlayStation 5 is till off the roof with an amazing gaming experience it offers from its games, it's definitely worth every penny.
  10. I do believe that most male or guys are like that when it comes to being mechanically or technically inquisitive.
  11. Everything would literally done online and through the console or gaming platform that's been used by the gamers to play their games.
  12. You can always have it returned to where you purchased it for them to check if it's having a technical problem.
  13. Actually, I felt like it was that obvious if one is a critical thinker. It wouldn't be that hard to figure out that's the knowledge.
  14. Some gamers takes huge pride in their collection of trophies because it's a product of their sacrifice and commitment to their games.
  15. If you wouldn't mind sharing his Instagram account handle, I would be very interested in getting across his page.
  16. If you were to rate the GTA trilogy what's it going to be on your rating chart with how the game has been after its release?
  17. The game have been around for a while now, so it's most likely the reason why it's dropped off in the initial selling cost now.
  18. Exactly, I might even wait it out till mid year or around August or so, then I can be very certain of what I'm getting into.
  19. They aren't reliable for me when I used it back. I think it kept delaying some of my mails most of the time. I moved on from it.
  20. Seriously, sophisticated mouse isn't my thing at all. The sophisticated mouse makes my gaming a lot more difficult to use it.
  21. Definitely, God of War is one game that can't be left out on this trend. I can't wait to see what they build up with God of War Ragnarok.
  22. I have good reasons to believe that most war games have some sort of history behind them. Take a look at Call of Duty Vanguard with its copy or World War 2.
  23. Seriously, I'm very sure that in most cases, it's never going to favor the gamers more than it would the developers or game companies. It's why they push for it.
  24. Any console that reign at its own time would definitely be very popular for the console then and Sega definitely was at its own time.
  25. Yeah, the constant change took more toll than it added more value to the game. Only if they had a better narrative to make the remakes from.
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