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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I don't even know between Playstation consoles and Xbox consoles, the one that's more popular and sells more..
  2. My gaming experience and life have been more on Playstation consoles and I'm sure that's it's going to be like that till death do us part.
  3. I'm not yet planing on getting migrated to the Windows 11 at least not for now, till I get to hear more about it from those who did.
  4. Seriously, the cramps can be a killer most of the time for me. I do get that all the time especially when I play games for long.
  5. You can always adjust the difficulty in the game Metal Gear Rising: Revengence, unless you don't feel like it.
  6. It's the partying emoji 🥳 for me. What are you partying about 😂? Is the new DLC out already? 🙄
  7. Seriously, this is something that I used to do with some games when I was still a teenager but not anymore because my money now matters much to me.
  8. Yeah, it's been how I have been playing my games for years now. Just like today that I played with my wired controllers and dropped my wireless ones.
  9. The good question is whether such online store can actually be trusted because there are lots of scams out there?
  10. Some people who didn't believe that the virus actually existed are that stupid enough to have themselves exposed and got infected.
  11. Yeah, it's why they are new games, there is no way you would expect to pick up and be balling it like you own it immediately.
  12. Seriously, they - Rockstar have no single good reason to rush the making and release of GTA 6 and it would be stupid of them to make it now.
  13. Just with a very good example of what happened with the release of Cyberpunk 2077. It got to a point where most people gave up on the game.
  14. Classic gamers would still definitely be interested in playing the games more than what we play now from the looks of it.
  15. I will be checking out the website PrettyLove and see what they offer and probably see what I might order from them.
  16. How can they play games without their cheats? It's not possible because they don't know any other way to play.
  17. Indeed, they were too strong for the 300 Spartans, although they were men of Valor and they gave their very best in the battle.
  18. Don't worry, I will give you guidelines on how to go about it from next season when the new season in football games starts.
  19. Seriously, learning isn't that easy but once you get to be open towards it, you will definitely find a way to make use of the knowledge given to you.
  20. Well, the gaming company behind the game can be trusted not to betray the God of War series because it would cost them a lot.
  21. Well, they actually do that in order to sell their games no matter how poor they are made. It's just business in my opinion.
  22. Definitely, there isn't any need for that. I played with my wired controllers today all day and I kind liked the feeling of it.
  23. I actually tried reading up so many things on the internet on how to recover lost files but all to no avail for me.
  24. Well, you can easily learn how to do the configuring of brightness for game on YouTube if you have big challenges with it.
  25. Let's see what happens over a period of time if he calls it off and stick with his plans.
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