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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, I know that game then. It was an amazing piece of play for me with how the racing goes.
  2. Yeah exactly, and I do actually enjoyed the movie more than I did enjoyed playing the game, sorry to say that but it's the real truth.
  3. I would definitely like to see it because even with the explanation, I'm still finding it hard to understand what or how it works. Maybe I should seek YouTube's help.
  4. If I'm the one that's doing the redesigning, then I wouldn't be too angry about it since I have the capacity to create exactly what I want.
  5. If it's a game where my decision impacts on the game's end, I would definitely like to do something that's going to offer me a huge sense of satisfaction no matter what.
  6. If the main points in the game aren't highlighted in the trailers, I wouldn't really call it a good one because it must have something that's going to be like a call to action.
  7. Personally, I don't think that I have had an act in game made me feel so bad like that in Spec Ops: The Line. The faces of the innocent woman and children can't get out of my head.
  8. Here is what the game The Punisher was like on Sega Genesis. It's a kind of a long play.
  9. I believe that God of War has been in that same category for a long time now.
  10. It's definitely going to be the one and only Sega's Zaxxon for me. It was the very first one to be released if I remembered correctly.
  11. I would never be a critique towards any games that I'm yet to play. It's something that's more common in the life of games fanboys.
  12. Yeah, it's exactly what I really expected from the gameplay just like what happened in the same movie which was historical too.
  13. It's definitely in your best interest to do that no matter how much you are interested in getting some game time out in the open place.
  14. That would be interesting getting to watch them trying to explore their environment. I'd have them recorded one day if I were you.
  15. I'm actually looking at ordering from a game studio that's going to be trusted not to release a shit game after releasing a good trailer.
  16. Yeah, I was really impressed that they did something that's close to what WatchMojo gave on some of their games.
  17. Yes of course, it hit to a time when my hands aren't in good shape to press the button on consoles controllers anymore. I had to switch to movies.
  18. It was too easy and too short in my opinion but any other things in the game seems to be perfectly good based on the gameplay.
  19. I know that very well, that you are a big fan of motorcycle racing games. I even started wondering if you drive them in real life?
  20. Yeah and over the years now, I have really given up on anything that's related to mining cryptocurrency.
  21. Yeah exactly. Once you can actually afford purchasing them, it doesn't matter if they are 10 to 100, you can have them all.
  22. Definitely, they do count and unfortunately you can't have cats around too, otherwise you know what would happen 😂 😂.
  23. I don't really know or think of it that way - being that having completionist tendency take away my passion for the gaming but rather it will get you addicted to games.
  24. Yeah, there are even cheaper fairly used PC gaming chairs that you can purchase online. Have you checked out Jumia?
  25. Yeah, it taught me a very big lesson and ever since I learnt my lessons very well with how I take opponents like I hate them.
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