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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Did you ever played Tetris and Mario Bros? They were great games of our childhood.
  2. They have sold their gaming soul to the company and their games. So, they will defend them to the end.
  3. It was actually against a girl and it's why I felt it too much as I never expected that happening at all.
  4. Although motorcycle games aren't for me, these looks interesting for those that are fan of the. @Justin11come and have fun.
  5. I know how committed you can be at something. So, I'm very sure that if it's possible for someone to earn those wining, it's definitely going to be you.
  6. What's the best gaming console that's on top of your wish list at the moment? PS5?
  7. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing 20 games in a year. I'm very sure that there are some gamers who do that.
  8. If you have a completionist tendencies, you can't let any game go. It would take away your peace of mind in gaming if you do that.
  9. It's not really good and healthy to allow your gaming affect your body in that way. You will get bad with it over the course of time.
  10. If you have more controllers, you can easily relax when one of them dies out since there's a replacement around the corner.
  11. Gamers makes that mistakes all the time and all as a result of being too confident in their skills that they aren't beatable.
  12. Yeah, that's the point. It makes it very easy for you to play with not getting eliminated that easily, it's what most gamers want.
  13. No one ever joins the gambling train with clear eyes. It's frustration that makes most people get into it.
  14. You can easily save all your games on CDs, although the only challenge would be if they would still be playable over years.
  15. Yeah, the Google saves will definitely be worthwhile for most gamers who lose files all the time.
  16. As far as I'm concerned, there is no way you would expect not to get the worst side of them when you get into arguments against their favorite companies.
  17. Yeah, If that's not the case, they wouldn't all be actively dropping a lot of opinions on several games on daily basis.
  18. What's this mate 😂. This is by far the most hilarious Santa 🎅 that I have ever seen.
  19. The desire not to get killed in the process is good enough to keep your adrenaline pumping till the end of the gameplay.
  20. Of course yes, I'm definitely expecting them to offer such Christmas bundle, the last time I got their offer 3 years ago, it was so nice.
  21. I haven't actually. In fact, I'm not really that updated on how the game's release have been for a while now.
  22. I didn't get to play Demon Soul that much but as for the Dark Souls series, I didn't ever miss anyone of it at all.
  23. Exactly, there are so many games that one can't play. It's not a must to play them all because it's not ever possible.
  24. You will definitely get better at it once you have managed to get another better gaming device. We were all in that spot once in a while.
  25. Yeah, If not for the lack of content which resulted to the repetitive process in the game, other technical issues can easily be overlooked.
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