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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There are some products that gets free shipping depending on the price of the hardware.
  2. How much was he able to sell the console Nintendo 64 on eBay?
  3. One of my work colleagues is currently in that same shit and it's really disappointing and frustrating most of the time because he can't play what he wants to play.
  4. Isn't locked up like being locked up in the prison? It's the only thing that came to mind.
  5. If they don't force all their games players that are in the game to upgrade their games, they wouldn't get all the money there were supposed to make.
  6. Looking at the new variant of the virus out now and it's really proving to be a huge challenge to the medical department, it's not been easy for the world.
  7. I can't really be able to watch this right now but I'm definitely doing it sooner or later.
  8. Well well, that's one thing that I can very much agree with you on. He's a great guy, I come across some of his posts and he's that well informed.
  9. I have come across this your "catch cruise" on more than one occasion. What's that supposed to mean because I'm really lost at it.
  10. I believe that most of the games comes with it's own unique cheats that can be use in one way or another.
  11. You get the point of what I'm talking about completely. It's why most gamers really dot on the game GTA series very seriously.
  12. Eventually, they couldn't release the game last September 2021 and it gave some gamers more opportunities to pre order the game now.
  13. Ubisoft have be shit just like EA for a very long time now. There is no way you would expect me to defend both of these companies.
  14. That's a fact for now but it's actually available on other platforms for now. If they can make it available with collaboration between Sony and Google, it's definitely going to be very good.
  15. I have heard about the game Burnout Paradise for a while now, and even check out some reviews of it on WatchMojo but I'm not yet impressed.
  16. I actually have to agree with you on that learning part because even though they weren't letting it easy on me, I learnt the hard way.
  17. There are always free games on all gaming platforms. It doesn't matter if it's a new generation console or an old one.
  18. Their money is what speaks for them in games pre orders because without it being there, it's not going to be feasible getting the games.
  19. If my memory serves me well, I believe that Dirt is more older of a game than Forza horizon 5. I still need to check that out to be sure.
  20. He probably have everything jumbled up in one. It's something that can happen to anyone to say the least.
  21. How would a gamer be able to make money from playing the game? Making real money from the game is the biggest challenge that I see here?
  22. Seriously, definitely those times in the 70's were indeed a big dark ages for games because there is no way to get real intel on games before playing it. It was definitely a hard time back then.
  23. I purchased L.A. Noire all over again from Steam because it's a game that's worth playing any day and time.
  24. Gamers won't stop getting new games and it's why these gaming companies wouldn't stop making new games because it means more money for them.
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