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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. No gamer or anyone is ever going to blame you for quitting any video game that no longer makes sense for you. We do that all the time.
  2. I have been looking for more information on the movie but I'm yet to get anything that's concrete enough to hold water for me to know more about it.
  3. Microtransactions are golden for game companies because they make far more money from it than they make from the game's sales.
  4. You Uninstall and lose all the progress you have in the game and including the money you used to get the game.
  5. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is one hell of a game from all round. Even though I haven't started playing the game but the reviews I have read on the game is incredible.
  6. Isn't that obvious why he does that? If you never had your drink spill on your keyboard and have it fried, you will definitely stop eating on your PC.
  7. Everyone that makes use Google account have access to Cloud saving, what's been debated is that being available on games.
  8. It's not really too much for someone who's really into gaming because getting games is something that makes them happy.
  9. I'm almost at the point of completing play The Fall Guy and it's something that I really planned on doing. I'm looking at what level I get to playing Ghost of Tsushima.
  10. Till today, I never recovered from the loss of data and important files that I lost as a result of that.
  11. My buddies do that to me all the time when I was still a teenager. There are some days when they dealt with me so bad that I hated all of them.
  12. Ignorance is a very big problem for those that allow it take control of them and their decisions. It's why I like my friends why are always well informed.
  13. I had that challenge when I was still looking at getting my first pro controller but I really needed it to play Dark Souls.
  14. My friends are total dicks when it comes to playing games with them. They are always looking forward to beating the hell out of you always.
  15. I actually had that same experience with the game when I first started playing the game. But I got a hang of it later on.
  16. I would really like to play games deep in the night only if sleep would allow me because I do use to stress myself too much during the day.
  17. I'm looking at locations in The Last Of Us II after playing the game today and it seems somehow weird but good.
  18. I have been making use of Black Friday deals for years now that I would never like to miss out on their offers.
  19. I do believe that too, it's from those gamers that owned it in the past that want to sell their own that put it up on Amazon or ebay.
  20. I have actually seen some gamers that are playing with such strategy even when they are capable playing the games in difficult levels.
  21. I actually had that same experience with my PS3 some years ago, although it didn't last long in my custody and it got taken away.
  22. I have actually read so much about that Pro Controller and if I'm upgrading my current one, it's most likely going to be this.
  23. It's actually far more better for those health and stamina to regenerate on their own because they save you the frustration of losing when you are not supposed to.
  24. That's why they have been in business for a while now with the game franchise starting from Pac Man 1 to Pac Man 99.
  25. Seriously, it's why I make use of them in a multiple ways to make sure that I get the real best information that's very good for my game choices.
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