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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. It's only my feeling of anger that my gaming haven't been able to calm down for me. I rather take a walk away from home which would calm me down than being in door trying to play games when I'm pissed!!
  2. Playstation 4 still carries so many of the games that are available and made for PS5 and other gaming platforms.
  3. The one good thing that would always remain the same for me and which I will always appreciate anytime I get to play any of the AC games would be the locations in the game.
  4. Yeah, I'm very aware about your decision to drop their gaming franchise as result of their never ending bugs and glitches.
  5. Personally, I believe that those who can't play their games without making use of cheats aren't real gamers.
  6. It was Cyberpunk 2077. I'd never forget that horrible experience for me till date.
  7. Yeah, it's why some gamers don't really care to update their games unless these bugs and glitches make the games unplayable.
  8. Definitely, as long as we are all here and you eventually start it, you will like to have all of us subscribed to your channel.
  9. Even the name Omicron variant looks or even sounds scary enough to me. Another lockdown is definitely inevitable from the way the case is going.
  10. Easy games are for kids as far as I'm concerned... And your recommendations of Bloodborne is spot on being a game on the same level with Dark Souls.
  11. Just look at what they did with The Avengers game, the game simply lacked content and it's what killed the game for me.
  12. Seriously, with the new mutated virus that's out which is growing rapidly, it's not going to be a wise decision taking such chances.
  13. I would be nominating @Justin11for the member of the month. He's one hell of a poster; very consistent.
  14. I really like the movie when I was still a teenager, it was quite the trend back then but the game, it completely sucked.
  15. Wow, at $430+ it's quite expensive even more costly than the Marvel Avengers Captain America Gaming Chair. Although, it looks very good for the price.
  16. Good luck with your streaming videos games plan my friend. I hope you get that rolling next year.
  17. Most average young people in the world and even the older folks are more likely involved in one form of gambling or another.
  18. With Rockstar giving the job to another 3rd party company to make the game GTA trilogy remaster was the breaking point.
  19. Exactly, it's actually why you see indie developers who's been supported make incredible games that makes you wonder why other games can't do same?
  20. This really looks amazing. How much is it sold on Aliexpress? I think it should be available on Amazon.com too.
  21. Not at all, I wouldn't do that for one month without getting anything tangible and I would keep doing that. It's not possible as far as I'm concerned.
  22. I think that a member here who I can't really remember the name has over 1000 games on his backlog when informed us at the time.
  23. Do gamers still make use of cheats today when playing games. I can't remember the last time I tried to do that.
  24. I've been playing games for as long as I can remember and from my experience with all of them, they involve a process of stage progress.
  25. I can remember my last experience with my smartphone memory card which was 128GB and it suddenly got fried and I lost all my files.
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