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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I have only pre ordered one game and ever since then, I haven't tried it again. Maybe I would pre order God of War Ragnarok and see how it goes.
  2. If you have the capacity of getting the game immediately it's been released by all means, it's almost the same as getting it on pre order.
  3. I still need to understand how the two different trailers are talking about the same game? Because what I uploaded was Dirt 5 and Forza Horizon 5.
  4. This has happened to me a lot when I was a lot younger and it really felt bad but funny enough, I had it repeatedly done.
  5. Like I said before, most gamers are silent and in wait for it to be made official because most of them are real life gamblers.
  6. I visited my uncle last week and found out he's still got his Atari Jaguar, a console that dates back to 1993.
  7. Some gamers really are capable of controlling their feelings when it comes to how games impacts on them unlike some that fall freely to their feelings.
  8. Wait, you had the solar panels installed as a result of your needs for gaming or any other reasons attached to it?
  9. I actually thought that I was the only one who discovered that they have a huge fan base till the day they attacked me like a pack of wild dogs.
  10. Just like my little girl and my niece.. They are as curious as little cats when it comes to trying to know something.
  11. It's actually why the hardware is selling the way its been selling for years now. Gamers needs less stress in their gaming life.
  12. That's been my story with gaming experience ever since I started playing from my childhood. You're absolutely correct by the way my friend.
  13. What game companies are you expecting to do that? I don't really see any that's too committed to their fans to do that.
  14. Yeah, it's something that I have decided to accept now because it's very obvious that they allow it in their games on purpose.
  15. I don't own a gaming PC too...? I actually thought that you have one from our talks in the past or maybe I'm mistaken.
  16. Yeah I would definitely do that because I always make use of game's reviews almost all the time.
  17. It's actually why I don't bother myself too much about getting and playing such games. I rather buy the cryptocurrency I want to buy.
  18. Seriously, ange can be a huge force to make use of if you know how to use it in a way it wouldn't damage everything in the end.
  19. Any gamer who is into playing the God of War series would never miss out on God of War Ragnarok.
  20. Most people that I know to own Nintendo Switch don't play on their smartphone often again.
  21. I'm definitely sure that a greater number of gamers have moved on as well. It's few old school gamers that are still with CDs.
  22. Well, for some gamers who need pro controllers to play better on some games and can't afford it wouldn't be happy with themselves.
  23. Exactly, it's like how EA phased off one of their FIFA games series to get their fans to dump the game and move up.
  24. Yeah, it's a game that I know very well that you would definitely enjoy. Gunpoint is what I'm playing today.
  25. Yeah, I'm doing that already. I have collected a few on Nascar games and now, I'm going heavily on Ghost of Tsushima collection.
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