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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Personally, I think that it's when one is a little bit obsessed with the game's in particular they go ahead with collecting on the game.
  2. Alright mate, I'm definitely looking forward to getting to see them. Thanks 😉.
  3. That they are cheap does not mean that aren't going to be good for use or offer better gaming experience in my opinion. I have had a cheap gaming headset that really served me well more than the expensive one I got.
  4. Are you serious about having those 2 Master Swords? That's really an interesting catch. If it's not too much trouble asking let me see them please...
  5. Reviews would always come in different mix especially when you check them out from different sources, it's all about how you want to conclude to make your decision that matters. Wow, that really looks very interesting!!
  6. Learning is never easy no matter what anyone else says or tell you. Unless you already have knowledge on what's been taught you, it will definitely make you struggle.
  7. Once they are still able to be making money from it, there is no way you would expect them to pull the plug on using it in their games.
  8. Bugs and glitches are a constant in video games and it's something that I have come to accept with all my heart now and move on.
  9. Although, I haven't seen any reviews they have on some games but I believe they wouldn't be that bad. I will still look up on their channel to see what they are capable of.
  10. Some gamers are simply hardcore old school when it comes to the kind of games they play and even the platform that they like to play with.
  11. When they had the wireless controllers made, they had a very good reason why it's made and it's why gamers still value it till date.
  12. As for the voice of gamers, it's nothing and does not mean anything to them because they will always do what favors them first and always.
  13. Some parents are not well aware of how to control what their kids play but it's not for me. I always make sure one plays within their limit of games to play.
  14. I have resigned to the fact and fate that video games can't come with bugs and glitches.
  15. The thing is that they are here to stay once gaming is concerned. We just have to live with them in any way they act.
  16. I'm not sure if it's not available on PC as well. But if you check it's available on PC, then you can play and not worry about it not being on your PS3.
  17. The only solution for you here is to get a back up power supply, otherwise your gaming experience will always be messed up.
  18. If it's possible to earn big like that in games, a lot of gamers would be willing and open to playing such games that are available in that format but the earning is low.
  19. Seriously, most of these game's developers are very conservative and conscious with how they make games to have a better cinematic experience because it's what rocks for gamers now.
  20. Some people that are able to tap into their anger to make something good or great happen seems to me like they are weird people.
  21. Yeah, there are definitely more games that are going to be developed and published next year and some of them looks interesting like God of War Ragnarok that's coming.
  22. To some gamers, it's something that they can't stop playing with. In fact, it's a big part of them on all ways when it comes to what they play.
  23. Once the reviews are made all well, you can easily see that because the product of subject of reviews would be dissected very well.
  24. For those that are making money from gaming and gambling in one way or another would say otherwise.
  25. Change is the only thing that's very much constant in the world and it's why the gaming industry is adjusting to phasing off the use of CDs.
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