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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Definitely, it would be obvious that a more complete and complex controllers are needed to play some games, so they had to make them.
  2. It's once gamers are no longer in the habit of getting games that makes of wired controller, then the development companies would pull the plug on their productions.
  3. You should have upgraded to playing F1 2021 should even be of more priority for you I should say my friend?
  4. As long as there is something to collect and I can actually collect it, I'm definitely not giving up on it for any reason whatsoever.
  5. Seriously, there is no law that says it's a must to play in a particular way or games after or before some others. The freewill is there for you to play what you want.
  6. Maybe you're correct it's going to be more fun and interesting on Nintendo Switch, but those who only have Android can enjoy it on the OS.
  7. In the past, some of these developers were in the error of making games for a single platform instead of making it to be available for different OS. Yeah, I do agree that the availability of technology was a big factor and how slow of them responded to it once it's available should be pointed out as well.
  8. When would you be by able to download the game? Since it's all free of charge, you don't have anything to worry about.
  9. For video games getting to be cinematic means that developers have realized their errors in their ways of making the game.
  10. Racing games are always fun to play once you get to be into playing it that much. It's why playing Dirt and Forza horizon 5, and Need for Speed are my favorite.
  11. No, that's not what I was trying to say because it's not going work out at all no matter how much effort I put into it per say.
  12. I think that it's something that's happened to me some years back when I had to rush a project and it ended up stressing me out.
  13. Forza horizon 5 Video game is completely different from Dirt 5. They are even produced by different game's companies in the world.
  14. It's not just about what's been shown in the trailer but as a result of the company behind the game's production is the most deciding factor.
  15. I wasn't specifically precise in what I was trying to say. Capcom with Resident Evil is doing the same thing with just introducing new characters out of the blue, just like what they do in AC.
  16. If you are very sure that there has been an arcade here in your hometown for the past few years now, why haven't you gone there?
  17. Seriously, letting my game's backlog to bother me is like adding salt to the injury. If I worry about it from now till next year, would it change anything? 🙄
  18. I have actually considered doing that a few times but I haven't really started using Twitch that much, so I'm not yet fully ready.
  19. A friend of mine actually did told me that lipton tea makes him lose weight and become slim. How true is that?
  20. Seriously, this has equally been my challenge over the last couple of years and it's something that I can't really change.
  21. Exactly, and for the fact that it's even sold at a very discounted price on Steam is something he should take advantage of.
  22. I don't really think that the sound is that too loud to be that irritating for most people when it gets repeated over time.
  23. It's definitely going to be a very difficult task to do for most people because personally, it's something that I can't see myself doing.
  24. Eventually, Windows 10 users would definitely have no choice but to upgrade to being Windows 11 users for obvious reasons.
  25. How come you started looking for it in the first place? I believe that all of them should have been at the back of your television or console?
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