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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. That's been the problem for a long while and most gamers are disappointed with what's going on with these guys and how they behave.
  2. I can't stop laughing looking at that facial expression. It looks hilarious and he's feeling like are you being serious.
  3. There will definitely be a good connection or link up between Angry Centaur Gaming and Angry Joe because it shows in their names.
  4. Exactly, when a game controller affords you all the gaming relaxation you can get, there is high chance of sleeping off especially if you are tired.
  5. You can actually see that very well in games like Detroit Became Human and some other games where the graphics is so real.
  6. Fan boys are a big problem for everyone in the gaming industry with their blind loyalty.
  7. Seriously, they should have know that any work not done by them especially when it comes to making their games is definitely not going to top notch.
  8. The truth of the matter is that the money that they are making from their usage of microtransactions is far much bigger than what they make from selling the games.
  9. Personally, I believe strongly for now that it's only indie developers when compared to other games developers like EA and Ubisoft.
  10. They say practice makes perfection, so probably if you start learning now how to become a streamer, you may eventually get very good at it.
  11. I haven't actually checked that out yet to know exactly what's going to happen when you try to purchase a game twice on the same system.
  12. It's a complete video game that I haven't seen any gamer who's not loved and enjoyed playing ever since its release.
  13. To be very honest with you, that feeling is not a good thing at all because it messes up with your gaming confidence.
  14. I can't really pick out easily other games that are similar to Path of Exile - Scourge for me to recommend as possible replacement for him.
  15. Just don't bite our heads off already over that little inquiry buddy 😂. He's all cocked and loaded waiting to start firing on all cylinders but I have dodged him ASAP 😂.
  16. L.A. Noire is one Rockstar game that's very historically accurate and for the fact its an open world game gave it a good narrative.
  17. The uses projection lights for visual is always fantastic because you can blow up the games to any size you want for better viewing.
  18. Personally, I believe that this is actually the real reason why we get into playing games in the first place because we are definitely gaining something in the process.
  19. Have they made the game available on Playstation consoles now? I can't really get into playing the game on smartphone now.
  20. Most gamers fail to take that into consideration when playing games with younger ones. It's not nice at all because they get exposed to things they shouldn't have been.
  21. Seriously, like there isn't any other thing that they can really compete in getting on top who's the best than the use of microtransactions to suck gamers dry.
  22. Most gamers who's got completionist tendencies would definitely go to any extent to finish all the games they started playing in a year.
  23. Wow, this really looks very interesting so to speak. I'm going to read up more reviews on the game to know if I'm getting it or not.
  24. There is no other motive that they have other than to pay to play and complete the games first to probably brag about it later.
  25. Gran Turismo 5 is a top tier racing game that you can't get enough of once you get into playing it.
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