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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, it's part of the reason why I really love playing the game Forza Horizon 5 as a result of how realistic the drives gets.
  2. Seriously, when such a thing happens to you, it's all going to be a day full of regrets for you on why you had to start the game to begin with.
  3. As far as I'm concerned, it's been the best way to buy games because it saves the stress and agony that most game's pre orders comes with at the end.
  4. Of course yes, both the video reviews and the essays are very insightful no matter how the reviews are made. It's the information it comes with that matters and makes sense.
  5. There are quite a lot but let me just mention at least a minimum of 10 games. They are; 1. Gran Turismo 2. Pac-Man 3. Gyrus 4. The Legend of Zelda 5. Mortal Kombat 6. Bloody Roar 2 7. Deus Ex 8. 1080 Snowboarding 9. Mario Bros 10. Prince of Persia 89
  6. It should be about 3 headsets for me till now, and if you add the one's which I purchased for my siblings and cousins, that should be around 7 headsets.
  7. Seriously, it's where they got all wrong for me with the whole Aminus thing. They could have looked for another narrative which could be something related to the first AC plot and stick with it.
  8. Making games isn't any area of expertise, but rather playing is, so I would stick to what I know how to do best which is to play the games made and allow those that can make the games do it well.
  9. I'm among the gamers that would be willing to choose any game for its better graphics in a heartbeat over other games. So, if Unreal Engine 5 would offer that realism in game's graphics, I'm all in for it.
  10. I don't get overwhelmed by the size of my backlog but what really overwhelms me is my always buying when I know that I can't touched 5% of what I had already.
  11. It's definitely going my going back to when NES was a major hit in the gaming industry. 1985 was one of the best times in the video game's revelation to the world.
  12. I'm very selective about those that I talk to in MMOs because I have been in a situation where I actually tried to get into talk with one and it never ended well for both of us.
  13. Of course yes, it's supposed to affect how you view games because you are not part of the team that actually makes the games.
  14. It's still fetching them a lot of money, so they would be definitely still be interested in making use of it till otherwise.
  15. Personally, I don't really think it's going to up to these game's companies to preserve games but up to gamers to do that. These guys are more after upgrading to new games and dump the old ones.
  16. It's definitely going to be any boss fight and even other duels in Dark Souls. Till today, that's the worst punishing game that I have ever played.
  17. They will never be able to resist being too greedy a publisher when it comes to making money from the studios. Let them just stay in their lane for now.
  18. There is actually nothing wrong in doing that in my opinion as long as you have the time. Sometimes, I do find it very relaxing to watch another play.
  19. I wouldn't be updating this as well because I'm not sure if it's not going to cause another progress loss from the way I see it. Better safe than sorry.
  20. Seriously, there is no justification in that expecting them to be any different because they are both birds of the same feathers.
  21. Here one her race scenes in the movie. She's a one hell of a racer.
  22. I think it's either @Justin11or @Head_Hunterthat mentioned being born in the early 2000 or so, it's quite older then him by a long stretch 😅.
  23. Yeah, hopefully they are going to keep it because I'm very sure that they have received a good ton of reviews on its importance for users.
  24. Personally, I do like things well arranged. It gives me a sense of peace when I look at stuffs and they are well in order. It doesn't even have to be alphabetically arranged, just it be in place and not just flying around all over the place.
  25. You never can tell what some wired gamers are capable of doing as long as they are open to explorations...and that's going to be one hell of a view.
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