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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Don't fret it buddy, I know very well that you are going to fit into the team just fine, so no pressure!!
  2. Most of these developers are not to be trusted with what they have been doing for years now but if I can vouch for any video games developers, it would be indie game developers.
  3. This is definitely a whole lot of games that you have managed to keep the record of till date. Were you ever a librarian before?
  4. Why some games be left out in or with such upgrades? Please, I would like all of them to patched to VR once they have perfected it with no form of technical issues.
  5. For newbie gamers, Endwalker would definitely come in handy for them with playing FFXIV and completing Main Scenario Quests, because ordinarily with it, it's one hell of a task.
  6. I can't say that I'm really surprised by this announcement because it's something that should have been done a long time. Having only @Shaggerdoing it all alone can be too demanding. So adding @The Blackangelto the team is a very good plan. Well done @DC, congratulations to you @The Blackangel and then happy growth for the community.
  7. Seriously, it's what I expected them to do when they knew they can't do it themselves, rather than have it been done by a useless 3rd party.
  8. And you can very much easily upgrade your PC if you wanted it right? It's one thing that's very good when it comes to PC's usage.
  9. If the chair comes in a leather body, I'm definitely not going to be very much interested in it because I have a strong avarice towards leather.
  10. You can stick with your PC then because it's definitely going to serve you well in the same way the PlayStation 4 would be good for you.
  11. Seriously, with what's obtained in video games, if it's possible to do it in real life, the world would be in a much chaos.
  12. Exactly, it's why whenever I get to see any video game review YouTube channel that's stuck up with good reviews, I'm always happy.
  13. Yeah, 7 months is a long time to wait for the DLC but it's better to wait and have it best than have it rushed and get trash.
  14. If it's on Nintendo Switch, I'd love it more on it than on smartphone. It's going to offer more better gameplay on Switch for obvious reasons.
  15. Exactly. Gamers would have to even spend more on their games when gambling is introduced into gaming. They will buy the games, fund their accounts for playing and gambling too.
  16. This particular Atari Flashback 8 Gold Console Black is currently sold at $157.99 on Amazon. A game that's this old still sells over $150.
  17. It's actually what I'm going through now still being stuck with playing on Playstation 4 till now. I need upgrade to PS5 as soon as possible.
  18. I never trust anything I read on the Google Play Store as a review because most of them are trash. Even TrustPilot.com ain't that trusted anymore.
  19. He might be a good fan of the SEGA consoles. I only owned Sega Saturn. It was where I played The Punisher for the first time.
  20. I have only been to F1 race tracks once, I think it was 3 years when Lewis still won it. After that, I haven't been there again. I think he lost the last one?
  21. Exactly and it's why I believe that any gamer would take on the opportunity to play games and get paid in the process. Who would say no to that?
  22. It's really a shame that after making all the inquiries about a new game and pre order it, they still end up cooking up crap for you.
  23. I'm actually still surprised that CDs are still being produced till today. I have seen 40ft container being offloaded and it's all CDs that's filled it up.
  24. Exactly, with WatchMojo and other credible video games reviews YouTube channel, you can easily relax because you will get good intelligence always.
  25. Seriously, it's actually why I don't really like to stay away far too long from playing on either my PC or my consoles.
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