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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I have also been playing with both my brothers and sisters over the years. Although, my sister is married now but whenever she visits, we always play.
  2. Well, each individual have what ticks very good for them and it's definitely not going to be that easy getting them to change their minds.
  3. Yeah, I took my time with learning so much about pro controllers before I switched to making use of them. Although, they are quite expensive but they are worth it.
  4. Seriously, I'm beginning to believe that bugs are glitches aren't something that's worrying to these developers, otherwise they would have made its fixing permanent.
  5. Here is the Live stream video of the award. You can watch for fun, if you have 3 hours plus to spare.
  6. Well, that's going to be one very good way to always have the day or month of Black Friday remembered all the time.
  7. Personally, I have actually done this on more than occasion and it really worked like magic in a way that I never expected it.
  8. We could have easily have a peace time in the gaming industry or world but they are really imposing themselves all over the places and making our lives miserable.
  9. One thing that I understand and know to be certain is that the makers of Dark Souls FromSoftware Inc would never make a useless game.
  10. Playstation 5 console controllers are supposed to over at least 2x better the features of what PS4 offered. So, the battery should last more than 5 hours in my opinion.
  11. Yeah, it's something that really suck when you have to wait for a while before you can progress on the game or being forced to pay to play.
  12. If the graphics of the games that we are playing today still remains the same thing as what we played decades ago, then it's all shit spilled over.
  13. I don't really know if it's going to be available on Playstation 3 but let me make some inquiries into it and get back to you.
  14. EA and Ubisoft will always be EA and Ubisoft without any doubt because it's like they have a copy of failed plans they vowed to stick to.
  15. It's actually why the anticipation towards the next release of GTA 6 is growing every day by day and hopefully, they will deliver.
  16. That's exactly the way to go with playing games at its best... When you don't play in a way to get everything in your game, you will live to regret it.
  17. Yeah, that's something which can easily happen especially when it's a game that you never played before or watched its gameplay by another.
  18. I don't really get the mistake that you made when you were playing or played the game God Hand?
  19. Well, to shock you very much well, they do that and really expect you to put your money in it all the time and some gamers do that anyways.
  20. It's definitely why they are never letting it go in their games no matter the amount of agitation gamers makes over it.
  21. This really looks awfully bad man. How can they make a seat leather to be this wacky? Shit, I hate this really a lot.
  22. You can't expect them to have everything to be that stiff difficult all over, it's going to choke most of the gamers playing it.
  23. Seriously, I'm being more disappointed mate, although I'm not going to dictate the games you should and shouldn't play but FF7 Remake should have been there.
  24. Exactly, I personally love and enjoy watching their drama and action movies but not their scifi.
  25. I haven't really seen a man who loves to play Candy Crush Saga game. It's one useless game as far as I'm concerned.
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