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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I don't really think he's been that dealt with when it comes to his FIFA gameplay over the years with what he's said about the game.
  2. What's your take on the newly released Call of Duty Vanguard? Have you purchased and played it yet?
  3. That's actually why I really love making use of Google for some of my online stuff because of the several file extensions that can be installed to make life easier for you.
  4. I really have a strong passion for games that are fast paced because there is never a dulling moment in playing such a game unlike the slow games!!
  5. The trailer of the game Forza Horizon 5 says a lot about the game already. The dirt ride is very thrilling!!
  6. Imagine when you are down and looking for a gameplay to help add a little bit of life in you but you end up with getting into playing a frustrating game 😩.
  7. As far as I'm concerned because of the major experiences of most gamers when it comes to pre orders, it's never a good idea to get on with.
  8. That's the way to go for most gamers and the games that they play. They generally make use of it to highlight what's important for them to do.
  9. Japanese and Chinese anime are always far more popular than Korean anime. It's probably why Korean anime isn't much on netflix.
  10. Yeah man, Angry Joe does matter very well in all possible ways because of how he sets up his reviews to be out of ordinary.
  11. As far as I'm concerned, streaming isn't for me at all. I'm very satisfied with watching others do it and enjoy it but never me to do it.
  12. We never can tell what happens, some gamers like myself are actually open to having that being introduced in video games to be honest.
  13. I actually did that with my own as it's on full display in my game room. Some of new gen gamers that visit me don't really know what it is.
  14. Did you check the reviews on the game before you downloaded it? If you did, it would have helped you a lot.
  15. Those rich one's wouldn't really care too much about them because they can easily afford, so it's not a big problem for you.
  16. If you have the capacity to do that, I'd suggest you do it mate because there is always a huge possibility that he's going to love it very well.
  17. There is a way these old hardwares have impact on us that the ones can't comprehend at all. They offer something unique.
  18. They are there to answer to their superiors, and they can't do what they aren't mandated to do.
  19. It's just like this game - The Punisher, it's something that's been on for me till date even when it's on my SEGA that I played it.
  20. For some personal reasons, I believe that it's something possible for some people to do.. You never can tell why.
  21. It's just the basis of their work. They are charged with a peculiar job of making something based on instruction and they can't deviate from it.
  22. Just like I have called it quits on some puzzle games and Minecraft specifically for me, it's the end of the line.
  23. Forza Horizon 5 is by far among the best top 5 racing games that I have ever played till date. It's even better than Need for Speed.
  24. Why is this one opening mouth?? Will you close that big mouth Mr man let me see road 😂 😂 😂.
  25. Most games that I have played which are fast paced aren't that boring or gets me fatigued but filled with adrenaline rush.
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