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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly, if what the gamers wants are all brought in on games, it's definitely going to cost a lot of money to get it done.
  2. I have been doing that ever since I was a kid and still doing it till now as an adult as well. It's a fun way to play with friends and family.
  3. That's a very good point because when you look at it very closely, you can easily see the line in it. Why not play to make money as well as catch fun?
  4. In life, you have to do the things that helps you to get by, otherwise you will find it very difficult to cope with what's happening with you. So, it's a yes to the video games.
  5. These companies aren't even putting much emphasis on making games on CDs lately. If the can scrap it very easily, they will do it immediately.
  6. I have also been seeing the game's advertisement on my smartphone for a while now and it looks like one of those Battle Royals kind of game.
  7. It was a free fall based on how the whole thing went with the bugs and all. They did let the game franchise really down in my opinion.
  8. Started out with Atari, although I didn't play with it for loan then switched to Sega and then Playstation 1 till Playstation 4 now.
  9. Yeah, that how they are built for real time usage so you ain't going to be worried about the battery like wireless one's.
  10. Yeah, he's very good at that and it's why he's channel have grown so much over the years.
  11. It's how these companies have been getting so many games sell on for years without getting old because new remakes will be out all the time.
  12. How we got hooked up to games lately had been something that we can't really get over which is why we are being taken advantage of it.
  13. If you plan yourself well, and work towards getting it done, you will definitely be successful at getting into streaming well.
  14. It toughens you up when you get into playing very difficult video games with the kind of challenges it's going bring up.
  15. The games are actually made for those fans boys and it's why it keeps selling the way they have been selling lately.
  16. Exactly, it's why a lot of people like watching his reviews most of the time, so with getting information, they also get to laugh a little.
  17. Yeah, you're very correct with that assessment as I had to reboot my device and it started working just fine.
  18. Seriously, if that's going to happen, it would have happened by now. So, it's something that most gamers have moved on from.
  19. Seriously, Angry Joe knows exactly what he's doing with the narrative he's using for his reviews and it's pulling a lot of traffic.
  20. My first time experience with playing Gran Turismo on my PS1 really hit me so hard that I fell in love with the game till date!!
  21. Exactly, the nature of the game one plays go to a very long extent in determining whether to make use of tutorials or not.
  22. It's part of the reason why I don't give into any video games pre orders because they are not really worth it most of the time.
  23. Definitely, something was off in that act!! There is no way you would expect a full grown up to do that kind of thing.
  24. Yes exactly, almost anything is capable of coming up in social media with the lots of silly people that are all over the internet.
  25. Not getting the Ghost of Tsushima Legends when it's free for you to get would be like rejecting free food when you're hungry.
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