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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. That was actually expected in the role of Robertson Maggie capturing the price but Alann Wake too is something that I never really saw coming.
  2. There are so many video games out there that people can actually play especially when they take their time to make the selections of the game that suits their preferences.
  3. If the gaming companies generally work hard in a way to make sure that the game is always been appreciated is going to affect their sales on every new games.
  4. No one likes being forced what they don't want to play and if it gets too serious and stressful, they most likely quit in the process.
  5. It's a big part to why people play games because they are looking for ways to add an extra source of happiness to their lives.
  6. That's just the way it's been for a while now. Because when you get to play more with PC controllers, it will be huge part of you.
  7. Even the original Final Fantasy 7 is an interesting game which was why the remake made a big difference in the game.
  8. Seriously, it's been a wait for a lot gamers like me having to keep wishing to have the cash for the purchase of PS5.
  9. Seriously, to allow the bugs to get to that number is a letdown in a very bad way because a lot of negative reviews would be written on the game.
  10. I'm very sure that it's why a lot of people had to quit playing Cyberpunk 2077 back then because the bugs.
  11. Short wired controllers would never afford you any kind of comfort when you are playing games because they don't allow you freedom.
  12. Seriously, that was a very big over stretch for what one is did to PS5 all in the name of doing clean up.
  13. I'm definitely getting the game since it's more like it's a free as I already have Ghost of Tsushima.
  14. It's just like watching some pros playing on YouTube and Twitch, you get to learn a lot of people's playing pattern.
  15. You get it.. If you don't get it now...just forget about it because you will never get it. The money is the number decision maker.
  16. The tutorials are very useful for them because they can't easily find their way in the games without it.
  17. In the end, it's all about the money for the company's business because they won't start talking about it if the money factor isn't included.
  18. When the controller cord is short, no matter the kind of chair you sat in, it's never going to get comfortable for you.
  19. Definitely, they are not going to disappoint from the looks of thing. The trailer alone will tell you more about what have in store for gamers.
  20. You're very welcome my friend. It's not a big deal. I figured you weren't online, so I had to step in and update him.
  21. It's all about how a gamer wants to play that is built from how the game was developed to be. If it's set to be that difficult, it's accessibility will be hard too.
  22. Seriously, everyone of us is actively watching and waiting for the release of GTA VI ocne that comes out for all to play.
  23. Of course yes, most old games are far more better when it comes to games originality unlike what we have today.
  24. Yeah, their anime and horror contents have been a huge success over the years. It's where they haven't flopped.
  25. For gaming related stuffs I guess? Probably, for some of those items that you're collecting.
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