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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, seriously they have been a let down over the years and it's really sad they can't replicate what they do in movies in their games.
  2. The same thing goes for the Marvel Avengers games. They didn't really know what they wanted to make in the games seriously!!!
  3. Here is what Jackson Glass have complied about the most boring video games he's reviewed so far.
  4. Assassin's Creed video games offered a wide range of beautiful locations. Take a look at best amongst them.
  5. Some of gamers would definitely quit some of the games they play as a result of these kind of bugs/glitches.
  6. Just look at what WatchMojo have to compile as the top 20 video games bugs.
  7. Here is something to look through when you are making your picks of the digital games to get for your PS3.
  8. Another World War? Are you seriously kidding me right now? There is no way that would happen at all no matter what?
  9. They don't at all because they always have their eyes out for what satisfy them alone or more than what gamers want.
  10. It's only the useless few upgrades that come from part of the gaming fans that don't have much say on what really matters that they would be quick to attend to.
  11. I have used this tutorial for my system and it works like a charm for me. I highly recommend it too for others.
  12. Got into playing Valorant lately which was a great game. Although, it copied a few things from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive but generally, it's all good game.
  13. The parameters with which the give these awards always looks like it's manipulated to me but anyways let's see which game picks it up.
  14. Unless there is no way other games would categorically lay claim on having their concept copied, then there wouldn't be anything to worry about.
  15. Yeah, there is a way an expenses is going to get, it would be wise to take your foot off the gas in purchasing because it will hold you in a tight spot.
  16. All gamers had no choice but to make use of online gaming stores when the lockdown was in full effect because there is no way they can make any purchases offline.
  17. Some of them might be hand picky when it comes to stealing. It's happened to me on more than one occasion when after they all visited, I started looking for some of my stuff.
  18. I wouldn't play games that's got so many bugs chocking me up in the game. What for? I rather go and sleep.
  19. I would definitely have that in any game that I play. Why would any gamer not really want to have them is what I don't know?
  20. Seriously, I'm still wondering the reason why they had to give out the job of making the GTA trilogy to a 3rd party company?
  21. There is nothing like 100% assurance with reviews. There will always be something different from one source to another.
  22. Gaming choice is something that's personal and it's the only way one would be satisfied with whatever they play because they get to decide that.
  23. GTA trilogy isn't anything good at all for me, it's why I never really bothered myself about the game.
  24. He's definitely got other lives to live as well, otherwise it's going to be easy for him to complete the game in 20 days.
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