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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If you are purchasing from online stores like Amazon, you are not allowed the option to negotiate the price of their products.
  2. It's even why it's stressed that getting a good out door exercise at least twice in a week is very important because it helps you to maintain healthy stance.
  3. I would never be open to playing any Mario games on mobile phones because they never looked that good when I played it years ago on my SEGA.
  4. The freedom that comes with open world games is what makes it that interesting for those that are into it. With vast map to explore and play as you see fit.
  5. Exactly, the issue of health can be so complicated that you can't really understand it no matter how you look at it. So, whoever that can play their games now should always do it.
  6. There are so many games that it's not used aggressively and the company still makes their money which means it can actually be eliminated but the companies that are using aggressively wouldn't like to.
  7. There are so many gamers who are still into retro games and they are very proud of it as it's what ticks for them.
  8. With Mario Kart 8 Duluex available to play on Nintendo Switch, it will surely be an interesting set up for gameplay. I really would fancy having that as well.
  9. Yeah, I get that a lot mate but I simply can't help it because it's a game that's related to my name and I would just love playing it when it's not my thing.
  10. A lot of gamers have quitted playing a lot of games as a result of that. @Bobleealready gave up on playing FIFA games as a result of its bugs.
  11. You can't really consider Star Wars Battlefront as a game that no one else have played because that's not possible at all. It's quite a very popular game franchise.
  12. It's been a very long time since I have played Rocket league. It feel off my perking orders amongst important and influential games.
  13. You can actually ask for some discounts from the offline gaming shop that you normally buy from. If you are a good customer to them, they may give you.
  14. There are some gamers who didn't get to progress from each of the PS consoles but jumped to playing with Playstation 5.
  15. Gamers do that all the time and to some of them, it's something that's justified while in most cases it's not but what can one do about it but let them play as they see fit?
  16. Seriously, it wasn't the same story with me when I was growing up. My parents almost had my head when they found out I purchased my SEGA console.
  17. There are some games that you can't help with being under pressure because of the gameplay. It wouldn't allow the peace to settle and play it freely.
  18. Yeah, they did all that and started selling the game all over again but not most people are playing it now. Some still say that game is still buggy.
  19. Exactly, there are so many reviews on YouTube and other reviews platform which is why they keep making the reviews.
  20. There are some in Skyrim that doesn't really affect the gameplay too much which a lot of gamers didn't bother too much with it.
  21. That's have been the way most games that I have been playing works with my characters health regain. It's more of a norm now with games.
  22. That's very correct, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having it in games at all, otherwise the gaming making companies would have it in games in the first place.
  23. Once the connection can reach from any location within the gaming sitting room, you can easily play without having to stay one place.
  24. Hmm 🤔, that's interesting. I never thought of it from that angle and when I look at it very closely, it looks like you have got a point.
  25. Are you serious kidding me right now with EA and Ubisoft being popular with the amount of hate that's targeted on them by gamers.
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