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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If you actually got the same kind of keyboard, it is definitely going to be the same thing as the one that you make use of before.
  2. It's actually been a very long while since I played The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt and I think if it's something that I should get into because it's one of the best open world games that have ever played.
  3. Wow, that's really a big one ; let me even see if I can see the games trailer : even if it's the first part so that I can really understand how or what the game is all about.
  4. Gamers are actually part of the biggest problem that we are facing today because with a lot of crap games that these companies make for us that we can actually turn down are being patronised by some of us which makes a mess of the whole thing.
  5. It is actually someone who already have a mental problem or a psychological problem that would always be in a position that they are going to endanger themselves while playing video games.
  6. Seriously you hardly get discounted prices these days which is why it is very important to always appreciate the little ones that any online platform offers you on the products that you purchased from them.
  7. It is actually why the portability of smartphone come into place because it allows you to actually lay in your bed and be able to play some games before you fall asleep.
  8. I can't really remember the person who introduced playing games on PC for me but it's something that I've started to appreciate more recently because it seems to be the best platform where you can enjoy your video games.
  9. You were probably feeling a lot of tension by playing the game at the time which resulted in that happening to you, it's something that is very understandable that can happen to anyone very easily.
  10. I have been looking for any new games that the company Square Enix made in order for me to see what they are capable of making in this modern generation but haven't really seen anything that fantastic.
  11. That is actually why they are better than you because they have something far more better to offer you especially when you are eager to learn from them to pick up the knowledge.
  12. Just look at how good cyberpunk was when it was released but as a result of bugs and glitches, it made the game to have a serious problem with being playable that resulted in them stopping the game and refunded players their money but it was later fixed and it's a little bit playable right now.
  13. It is not about the number of sources that you make use of when it comes to getting your reviews that matters but how the sources give you the information that you need which are ones that are really worth it.
  14. I joined the community on February 6th, 2019 and it's been all good experience for me ever since till now. In fact, things got better being here.
  15. Seriously, Cyberpunk was hands down one buggy game when it came out first which made the game unplayable that resulted in gamers refund at the time.
  16. I completely agree with you on the point of social media have been a very huge factor in making people to stick to themselves being online so much than they interact with people physically because they tend to spend a lot of time online than they do in real life with people that they associate with.
  17. Seriously if a glitch or a bug doesn't really affect my gameplay then there is nothing for me to worry about with it because I can easily play my game without worrying about it affecting it.
  18. Seriously some video games are a completely no-no for me because there is nothing that will get me to play such games that I know that wouldn't offer me any kind of satisfaction.
  19. I believe that is part of the reason why the wireless controllers were invented in the first place in order to afford gamers their freedom when they want to play.
  20. Exactly, there is no doubt it's definitely going to be a good fit for games that are too complex and complicated to figure out on your own.
  21. Look at this one 😂.. You want to enjoy giveaway but you don't want to take part in the contest eeeh? Join and try and win it for yourself.
  22. What's the difference between doing it on PC 💻 and doing it on Xbox consoles?
  23. That's probably how it's going to be when they are starting up the game to start earning later and not immediately.
  24. It literally saves you the stress of looking for health pack all the time especially when you are in the heat of battle.
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