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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. What do you mean by exile from these games? Did anyone give you such or you imposed it upon your own personal self? What could be your reason?
  2. Depending on the stage that he's currently playing on the game would be what decides if it's possible for him to complete the games.
  3. It's good to see some of our good old gamers still playing till today as it's more of a big motivation for us to play to their time.
  4. With puzzle games, it's something that's very common and very annoying because you can't get by it unless you complete it.
  5. Personally, I always try to mix up my games in a year in order not to get bored to death with playing one particular game for a long time.
  6. If you love games that offer something of alien concept, then you will definitely love to play Alien Isolation and Mass Effect.
  7. Pro controllers are too expensive for most gamers and it's why only few gamers makes use of it because they can afford it.
  8. The real question is how do we work towards putting an end to that abnormalities in the game industry?
  9. Exactly, it's why when it comes to my gaming console controllers, they are always in a good shape and get replaced once they get faulty.
  10. There is no way you would expect to be able to play any games that you can't get for yourself. It's the end of playing so game.
  11. Once the games keep updating, it's definitely going be more than that file size. It happens to my Top Eleven on mobile and I keep updating.
  12. That's a good decision if you ask me because as far as I'm concerned, there is no way I would close my game playing without having to experience Xbox Series.
  13. It's something that happens all the time with most gamers. It's just that you hardly get them on camera when it happens.
  14. Personally, I prefer the video reviews as well because the videos alone are fun to watch with all the explanations that follows.
  15. You should try and play the first part of The Last Of Us as it would help you with the game's background build up.
  16. RDR2 is among the games that I have equally played well enough this year as well and still going to keep playing it next year because I'm yet to complete it.
  17. That's kids for you and their health is very important to the society which is why it's good on the rules to limit their play time.
  18. Between The Last Of Us and The Last Of Us II, which one would you consider to have a less repeated tasks?
  19. Left 4 Dead is another game which I would consider to be a total waste of my money buying it because I'm not sure if I would ever be able to play it based on its gameplay set up.
  20. The truth of the matter is that rage quit is something that will always be a constant in the life of gamers as long as games still frustrates them.
  21. Some gamers are really enjoying the game FIFA 21 and 22 even with all the bugs it comes with. Their adjustment to play is incredible.
  22. When you are just reading a review essay write up, you will be the one making use of your imagination to picture what's been read but the video does all the job for you.
  23. The control you're talking about is it your console controller or the game's control per say? I never had any issues playing the game at all.
  24. Starting from the difficult setting of the game is the best way to build yourself in the game, although if you don't have a tough skin, it will be hard to keep it up.
  25. I can't remember the last time I ever tried out any game playing on the Normal settings. Even when I started playing Dark Souls that's very insane game, I never played it in normal settings.
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