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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. That sounds like it's going to be an interesting game to play. If it's available on PS4, then I'm going to check it out and see if I can get it.
  2. When gaming does more than add fun for the gamer, and add earning money from it in one way or another, it's definitely going to impossible to drop playing.
  3. It's part of what video games are made for. To be able to make gamers forgot their worries and have fun to reduce their life stress and feel happy.
  4. It's definitely going to get to that 200GB and even get past it before next year runs out.
  5. I have been a Playstation fan for a long time and I think that it's high time I checked out other consoles like Xbox Series X.
  6. Do you think that they are going to be willing to pay what's been asked of them to pay? They can afford it in my opinion but they are too stingy to pay it.
  7. I might pause buying any new games for 2022 and stick with cutting down with playing all I have actually already to reduce my games backlog.
  8. With Call of Duty Vanguard out already, I decided to get a little feel of Modern Warfare before planing on getting the Vanguard.
  9. The game is already out on November 5th and it's available on PS5, PS4, Windows PC, Xbox Series X. You can read more about the game here. https://www.polygon.com/reviews/22776800/call-of-duty-vanguard-review-single-player-ps5-xbox-series-x-pc
  10. Yeah, I believe that it serves better and it's why most people get paid that way working abroad in UK or elsewhere.
  11. I never really liked this game to be very honest with you. The game's graphics was off for me in so many ways.
  12. If you can add sleeping on the game when you're supposed to focused well on it as something stupid, then I have done that more than once.
  13. Yeah, it builds up players fun that they can't get elsewhere that easily and it's why they can't leave it.
  14. With all the toxicity in Fortnite, I'm not sure if I would be getting into playing it anytime soon as I value my inner peace.
  15. Seriously, I need money but it haven't gotten to the point where I can't afford to buy each separate controller for my consoles.
  16. Yeah - I'm very sure that it's the same thing with most gamers and it's why we all get to play so many games to satisfy our tastes.
  17. Seriously, I'm not looking at rushing to complete my playing of Ghost of Tsushima at all because that game is giving me everything I want.
  18. Once there is resources, the company can push all the projects up at once and run it all to the end. They are definitely holding back in a way.
  19. I can't remember the last time I saw anyone who's over 100 years of age in person. I'm looking for to seeing that sooner than later.
  20. It Takes Two is another great game of the year 2021 filled with adventure in a way that it's going to thrill you all along playing in ice.
  21. It's what they live for and can't get off it because it's what and where they feed from and as such would keep doing that all the time.
  22. I played a lot today using my smartphone when I was stuck in traffic going home from work. It's what helped me get by.
  23. There are far more better games to get into than get stuck in one game where I would keep doing the same thing over and over again. I'd go to my TLOU 2 and have fun all over again.
  24. I stopped playing Fortnite as a result of this issues that comes with multiplayer online video games where anything foul words goes.
  25. Yeah, the hand strain that's being talked about here can easily happen to kids because their hands aren't that strong.
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