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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I think that weekly payments are all better than monthly payments because there is a possibility of running out of cash before month end.
  2. Yeah, there are some cases where we would love same games over but it's never going to be 100 out of 100 the same.
  3. Yeah, I never get tired of character's customization. It's in fact the only thing that I enjoy doing over and over again without getting tired.
  4. Any gamer who loves the wired console controller will be evil to me because that dealt with me in ways I can't explain.
  5. Yeah, it's not possible at all because if they make it like that, it's going to mess up their brand.
  6. Yeah, the COD series isn't a bad one at all and it's why the game keeps selling very hard.
  7. Exactly, age doesn't matter at all. Once you get all the strength to play, there is nothing that can stop you from playing.
  8. Yeah, recently games graphics can't be over-emphasized at all because most gamers are now into it in such a way that you can't have it poor or have them dump the game.
  9. Personally, I like playing against AI, more like fighting bosses in the games like God of War.
  10. It's really pathetic what they do but it's really a shame some of us are still backing them with our money in all they do.
  11. Yeah, when they keep playing with that way, they get so used to it and it's not like an issue for them. Bug is a normal for them.
  12. Yeah, PES have been off it for years and they gave other companies like EA chance to use FIFA to rule the trend.
  13. Some people are just like that and you can't change them, also just because they can't handle the stress doesn't mean they shouldn't play games.
  14. Yeah, they have been my favorite brand for years and make use of their smartphone S20FE.
  15. I have heard some people complain about having issues with purchasing from eBay but it's never happened to me.
  16. It's Far Cry 2 that I believe I should have played more by now than in fact even have it completed but I'm yet to do it.
  17. Yeah, there is a possibility of such happening as long as the company keeps producing new consoles.
  18. They are supposed to be well informed that gamers would like to see what they saw in the trailers more in the game.
  19. Most FIFA games fan have come to me too used to it that it doesn't bother them any more when they see it in their games.
  20. It's why FIFA is all enjoying everything now with their game being very dominant.
  21. Yeah, there is no way you would be able to enjoy playing football games all alone even when you get to play against the AI.
  22. For them to think that games aren't going to be looking out for that is weird in my opinion.
  23. I'm going to ask Samsung about that TV size if they have it in store now. I have them sending me newsletters.
  24. It's simply a matter of fact that they can't handle the stress some video games come with which causes them to rage quit.
  25. It's really a shame that the game company ended up killing the game off with their policy of Microtransactions.
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