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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Lessons are there to help she guide you through the process of finding your feet in playing a difficult game. It is why I value whoever bends to teach others.
  2. Seriously, I know it's not something nice which I did but it's all because they were talking about video games that I put interest in it.
  3. Driver San Francisco is even deleted from digital stores because of the bad reviews I guess?
  4. Yeah, I'm just waiting for them to tell me that their controllers are no longer working, so they will go and rest.
  5. Are you kidding me seriously with a 55 inches television set and you're still not satisfied? Maybe you should look for 100 inches 😂.
  6. It's not even only that mate, the most important thing is that they keep being payable no matter the design of the console's controller.
  7. Some gamers do get too attached to a particular game and as such it leaves them depressed at the end of the game.
  8. PS1 trended for years before the release of PS2. It's the same thing with PS5 now as PS4 have been around for years.
  9. Strategic position should be on the map when it's good and being too off out of nowhere would basically condemn it to being bad in my opinion.
  10. Remastered video games are a revelation that games can be made better because it's an improvement on what's been already made.
  11. The more time you spend on a new game especially the ones that are hard, the better you get at it if you are really committed to playing it.
  12. Yeah, that's how it is mostly with me. It's so like that I wouldn't be subject with my analysis of both websites.
  13. What's your favorite Far Cry series so far and what do you like most about the game per say?
  14. Seriously, everything that's been said about the console Playstation 5 is all true from the ones that I have seen so far.
  15. Seriously, all games are smoother on Playstation 5. It's supposed to be so, otherwise the console isn't worth all the fuss about it.
  16. I have always sneaked into the classroom with my smartphone and I have never been caught for once.
  17. I actually used to follow that game page for a while and they do give impressive updates on all games.
  18. One's bias makes one's reviews subject. There is no way you wouldn't have it in such reviews. It would always be that way with any kind reviews.
  19. Kids don't know how to control their urge and it's why I believe that the government limit is a good thing.
  20. Sheva in Resident Evil 5 is one AI follower that's as useless as they come. Sheva would have your resources wasted and still won't help you fight.
  21. I think it's a good game that gets better once you keep progressing in the game stages.
  22. It's one good thing about these old gaming hardware. They are built super strong unlike the new gadgets we get now.
  23. Playstation 5 is already here and a lot of gamers have it already but it doesn't mean playing with PS3 is a gaming sin.
  24. Alright, since you know already then, it's all up to you to decide when's the best time for you to get into playing it.
  25. Yes, it's a Playstation 5 exclusive game at least for now, maybe it will change in the future but I'm not sure yet when it will.
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