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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. My Playstation 4 have been on and actively playing for 2days as I have my cousins over who plays all day and no break.
  2. It's not a Facebook game but can be linked up to Facebook and played from it.
  3. Yeah, only when they don't get to make it so silly like it comes up every time without limit, then it's definitely going to be very annoying.
  4. It's been quite long, it's probably why you can't remember the name and that I can't blame you for it.
  5. It's why I completely agree with Shagger that it's a scam that isn't worth getting into most of the time as it's not with any guarantees.
  6. I completely agree with you on this because it's why some people cause themselves their own problems by themselves.
  7. I just picked up playing Little Nightmares 2 for a while now and it's one creepy horror story that kept me from sleeping for 2 days.
  8. I was traveling this weekend and heard a group of guys discussing playing Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee and I picked interest in it. I'm getting it on as soon as possible.
  9. The annoying little one's are always therein and it's all part of the games as they never get everything right.
  10. I haven't played my Cuphead yet in 2 years now and it's quite a disappointing thing from me.
  11. They got too relaxed with how they used to work for the good of their fans because they are top tier gaming company now.
  12. It's something that's come to affected my gameplay for a while now. I tend to lose out on some info as a result of the distraction.
  13. Heatman

    Sims Games

    Seriously, their paycheck from the channel would be running in thousands of dollars.
  14. This is one of the dark sides to the existence of cryptocurrencies and there is nothing that can be done to change unless what the government of most countries are at now with the ban on cryptocurrencies with introducing their own coins.
  15. VGR is a great place to be ever since I have been making use of it and the same thing goes for PC gamer forum as well.
  16. Super Mario Maker 2 is something that I should name played by now and I never did. Hopefully I can cross it off my list this year.
  17. It's always a waste of game when it's rushed because it's going to take away from you all the side things you are supposed to do.
  18. I would scream 😱 my heads off if I lose 500 hours of gameplay lost because of not saving.
  19. There was a time when I played Red Dead Redemption online at workplace, although I didn't make it a habit because of the consequences if I'm caught.
  20. Most gamers would look for something insane when it comes to what they want their gaming set up to be like if money ain't the problem.
  21. There is always a possibility that one is gonna misplaced the trailers for another, plus they are on the same game.
  22. Age of Empires 4 is one the best rated strategy games that I have ever seen and played. With Age of Empires 3 still good on its own.
  23. Yeah, it's a game of great experience to me. Last season just finished yesterday and new season just started today.
  24. The truth is that you can actually still have some people who wouldn't care about the length or duration of any trailer.
  25. Hitman 3 still tops among one of favorite 2021 games so far with how you get to eliminate your foes with all manner of crude ways.
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