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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Exactly, it's the same thing with Red Dead Redemption online copying so much from the original game. It's basically what happened with The Elder Scrolls Online.
  2. Consoles are always stingy with their games. It's PC games is getting better and better every day without having to worry about them.
  3. Yeah, it's the same one and it can definitely be a long battle session when gamers don't want to be thrown over to have them eliminated.
  4. I don't even understand that sports cricket in real life, how am I supposed to understand and know how to play it in games?
  5. Scammers are everywhere and if you afford them the opportunity to get you and scam you, it's all your fault for not making all the needed inquiries.
  6. To sum it up, too much of everything is bad no matter how good or fun that act seems.
  7. Just be getting ready to be hired by a furniture company soon since you're good at fixing chairs 😂.
  8. Yeah, it's something that I really enjoyed purchasing and it's worth every penny.
  9. When the next big Rockstar game gets announced which would most likely be GTA 6, I'm very sure that some other gamers will be doing same thing with you.
  10. I mustn't kill myself forcing to play a frustrating game believe me. I would simply drop the game immediately and look for another to play with.
  11. Seriously, I play my games in so many postures. I only don't maintain one posture for too long which is why I don't get cramps easily.
  12. Even with their lack of new ideas in what they make, they still have the guts to allow bugs and their aggressive microtransactions in the games.
  13. If the trailer isn't well made, I'm very sure that most gamers looking forward to the game wouldn't be in a hurry to go for it.
  14. I wouldn't call PS3 an outdated console. There are still some gamers playing on PS2 and even PS1.
  15. If the security protocol is still being leaked to those who are pirating the games, it wouldn't be that much of huge security I would say.
  16. For me on the games Truck Driver and On The Road, it's the control and wheeling in the drive that sucks more for me.
  17. I see, if that's the case, then it's very possible to get that number of games for the PS3 console and I was never doubting you, knowing that you are playing on PS3 currently.
  18. Yeah, as much as it's just a 3 minutes trailer clip, it did gave a detailed description of what to expect in the game. It's what a good trailer does for you.
  19. I haven't played any of my Assassin's Creed games for a while which is why I decided to play Assassin's Creed Valhalla at least today and tomorrow.
  20. Seriously, EA don't give a damn about what their gamers are suffering with playing their bugged games. They are only interested in the money.
  21. 20 games for 140GB? Are you kidding me? Well, it's all dependent on the games file size you're downloading.
  22. Yeah, it's just maximum of 3 minutes at most. Looking at this Call of Duty Vanguard reveal trailer is just 3 minutes on the dot.
  23. Borderlands 3 is one of the games that I really enjoy and played up well this 2021 which have an interesting battle system that thrills so much you won't get enough of it.
  24. If they really want to clamp down on how fast these pirates get a phase in their games, they can slow it down by keeping a tight circle to its production.
  25. Whenever a game is how its supposed to being made well, gamers don't hesitate to pay for it immediately. It's why some games sells faster than others.
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