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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah, it's something that I agree with as when you look at what money can do, and what gaming does for you, they are two different things. Money is good and gaming is good in its own way.
  2. Seriously, I happen to believe the same as well because when you get to misuse your console and its controller, it's definitely going to damage before you know it.
  3. I did paid them back in my own way by scorning them. We all arranged a hang out and I was supposed to pay, I disappeared on them from the spot 😂.
  4. It's the adaptation of the game that makes it easy for you to adjust to it very well and get used to it. It's like when you play racing games and don't master the controls, it's going to wear you out.
  5. Most gamers are always looking for what would give them satisfaction, so anything that's not in line with what they are after, they always take a walk.
  6. I liked it that much when I played it at my friend's place. The gameplay is almost as real as it can get. The realism is out of this world with how good the graphics is.
  7. Yeah, it's something that all who have experienced the game had witnessed. It wasn't that easy for me but I later readjusted.
  8. Yeah, there is a reason why it's the latest Playstation console generation that's in existence, so it's bound to be craved by lots of people.
  9. You can well get prepared for the game because it's not going to be an easy ordeal for you based on how I witnessed it first hand.
  10. Adventure games takes me longer time to get a hang of, so I need time to adjust with playing it, so weekends is the perfect time for me to do that.
  11. Heatman


    That is something that I very much agree with you because personally, I'm very sure that it's not possible for me to get into streaming no matter how much I want.
  12. The new endgame content in 3.17? When is that one going to be released or is it out already?
  13. The same Melee combat system is also used in Dark Souls and it's one hell of a game battle system that thrills most gamers that get into it.
  14. What's the fun in playing games that you are going finish without breaking a sweat? For me, there is no sense of accomplishment with playing such games.
  15. Exactly, you're the one that would decide to design your characters how you want them to be and it gives a kind of fulfillment when you do that.
  16. Yeah, it's the same feeling with me with such games, they are never that interesting or fun to play as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't waste time on it too much.
  17. It's why most gamers are looking at getting new consoles that would offer more storage capacity to enable them get more games they would need.
  18. You wouldn't try that in my school or you would get suspended immediately for at least 2 weeks. No acts of physical violence is allowed in my school.
  19. There are so many ways we tried to improvise with getting those wired controllers. I used duck tape one time to tape it.
  20. That looks like a good deal looking at what the hardware can offer you for the price $23.
  21. Heatman

    Hollow Knight

    I don't know who says it's scary because it's nothing but scary from the trailer and even some gameplay that I have seen.
  22. Of course yes, I have always wanted to get one for myself. I don't think that there is any gamer who plays on PS that wouldn't want PS5.
  23. The companies do enjoy the financial benefits and makes it an enjoyable experience for the gamers by making it something playable in the those platform.
  24. It was a very good and exciting experience for me playing Playstation 5. PS4 is good but playing on PS5 is great.
  25. I run as far as my legs can carry me whenever I get to find out that a website where I get my reviews so some shady shit and have dishonest reviews posted on the site. That's the end of my visiting such sites.
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