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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. You mean like an unending leveling up in the game? It sounds like something that's going to be very interesting to explore and experience.
  2. Yeah, I have seen and know that it's actually available on Android devices through the trailer that I watched but no clue about its availability on PC, so thanks for the update.
  3. Exactly, it's the only way that I would have peace of mind when ordering anything from any online store. If it's not a top tier online store, I'm never buying from them.
  4. That's quite interesting and I'm very sure that he didn't think it up by himself, it's most likely going to be recommended by a doctor. They have have embraced gaming therapy for a while now.
  5. There are so many of them but the two that stood out for me are Cyberpunk 2077 and Warframe.
  6. As far as I'm concerned, manual saves is the best way to getting your saving as you want them and not get put in a tight spot with what auto saves does most of the time.
  7. Setting up a friendly match in Top Eleven Football Manager doesn't play more than 9 minutes max. So, it's the shortest playing session I can easily get.
  8. There are few games that stood out for me as my most played in 2021 so far which are ; The Witcher 3 Ghost of Tsushima RDR2 TLOU 2 SKYRIM
  9. Take for instance in Motor GP, there is always a helmet support because it's very vital for the survival of the playing character unlike when you crash without it.
  10. Super Mario have been unique ever since its first launch in 1985. It's a game that when you try to copy and make a replica of it, everyone will know where it came from and you have just wasted your time.
  11. For the fact that it's something that I call my favorite game is more than enough to get me to keep playing the same thing over and over again without getting bored.
  12. I'm an explosive extrovert personality and I also prefer my protagonist to be the same or even any other characters that I'm going to role play.
  13. Wow, that's going to be very frustrating even with the PS5 that offers more memory storage space than other PS consoles, what do they want us to do again? 🙄
  14. Why be in a haste when you stand a chance of avoiding a major disaster if the game isn't well composed in its production? I can wait for a few more weeks before I purchase.
  15. The video reviews are more addressing for me. It's not that I don't appreciate the written easy review, the video is always more complete.
  16. Seriously, that's a very bad when it happens like that as it kills off the trust people have coming to read their reviews.
  17. The kind of beefing up watching good trailers does to my anticipation of the games is what I like so much about making use of trailers.
  18. If the sockets where turned off, I'm sure if the thunder can cause such a damage of frying the system.
  19. I was made the joke of the day. It wasn't even once I was beaten with that kind of scoreline. I was simply a noob and don't know much to do then.
  20. If it's still costly like the new releases, there wouldn't be any kind of motivation to buy it any more unless the game was that exceptional.
  21. Here is the top 10 Most Helpful A.I Companions in video games piece from WatchMojo.
  22. Heatman


    If your streaming channel is monetized, then you can very well be able to make money from it like some of those popular YouTube streaming channels like WatchMojo.
  23. There is one called Logitech G PRO X Gaming-Headset that's sold for £66 on Amazon. Although there are cheaper one's as well.
  24. There is way that you can also adjust it from your console too. Here is a video of how to get it done.
  25. There is a gameplay carried out by Supersport where the winner stands a chance of winning a PS5. I have already started taking part in the game and if I get lucky, that's a free new PS5 for me.
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