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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I find a little bit of them in my playing of Ghost of Tsushima. In as much it's good to an extent, it gets to a point where it mash up everything.
  2. I don't find it funny to adjust the setting of my game's brightness to the point where it impedes my view of the game. How does that help me?
  3. With my observations on playing games with one's mobile phone is that the more you play with it, the more it gets weaker all round and start depleting faster.
  4. My father who's above 75 years plus is still playing his chess game offline physically and it's something that I would very much like to do as well.
  5. Personally, it's the gameplay that gets me fatigued most of the time. Take for instance the gameplay of some horror games seem to get me worn out easily.
  6. I came across a fellow gamer in this forum who was over 70 years if I remembered correctly. Even @Shagger was shocked with it then when he had a misunderstanding with the name. He gave me motivation to feel like playing till I get old.
  7. I have made the decision to make sure that I complete the following games at latest 20th December 2022. Ghost of Tsushima RDR2 Hitman 3.
  8. The real question is what's the essence of the reviews in the first place? It's to influence people's decisions in what they don't have much information on.
  9. To some extent, I do that most often and it's only when the money is actually worth it to begin with. I'm not going to risk myself for a few penny.
  10. Just like they do in the streets of New York playing chess was exactly how I learnt to play with my father. He's still very good at it as it's the only game he can play now.
  11. Seriously, it's not really possible. Take a look at myself who's got over 300 games in backlog, and my friends buys more than I do. Would a night be enough to play all those games?
  12. Too much greed in trading 💹 is what kills most traders. Yes, it probably possible to turn $50 to $100 in a day but it's not in one trade for safety purposes. Let's not jump off points with cryptocurrency talks. We can do that in pchat.
  13. Exactly - I have actually slept at a friend's place for something more useless than playing games. With the number of games we both have on our backlog, even 20 nights together wouldn't be enough to play them all.
  14. It's a living room with a dining room in one place. So, it's more like two big room in one. Containing that number of people at once waiting for their turn to play games isn't a problem.
  15. Don't get me wrong mate, I'm trying to influence or pressure you into getting into more online gaming often. If it's not your thing, don't fret it.
  16. All their acts simply makes like difficult for the few one's who can't spend the cash easily. Take for instance when they buy into all these microtransactions shit, the company keeps on pushing it.
  17. I have particularly have this issue with downloading movies. It would get to the point where it's almost complete and it will hang, which is followed by error.
  18. Heatman


    Amazon isn't suffering from anything with their products sales irrespective of theirs being too expensive compared to others stores. As they have broken into the market very well, they can't be shaken easily.
  19. The one good thing about Marvel's Spider-Man game that's cool with me is its graphics and real replication of New York city in the game.
  20. I think that if there actually games that cost that amount of money on smartphone, it wouldn't be surprising if you see someone buying it.
  21. It doesn't mean that you have to play the game for straight 8 hours or more but the whole game time that's required to complete it is between 8 hours or more.
  22. For so many years that I have played from one console to another, I have never heard of a console getting damaged for being played too much.
  23. Battlefield game franchise from EA is right up there as one of the best games with the exclusion of Battlefield V. Their latest Battlefield 2042 is a blast.
  24. Look at what I came up with after my own test 😁😁 The Bartle Test of Gamer Psychology You are 87% Killer What Bartle says: ♣ Killers get their kicks from imposing themselves on others. This may be "nice", ie. busybody do-gooding, but few people practice such an approach because the rewards (a warm, cosy inner glow, apparently) aren't very substantial. Much more commonly, people attack other players with a view to killing off their personae (hence the name for this style of play). The more massive the distress caused, the greater the killer's joy at having caused it. Normal points-scoring is usually required so as to become powerful enough to begin causing havoc in earnest, and exploration of a kind is necessary to discover new and ingenious ways to kill people. Even socialising is sometimes worthwhile beyond taunting a recent victim, for example in finding out someone's playing habits, or discussing tactics with fellow killers. They're all just means to an end, though; only in the knowledge that a real person, somewhere, is very upset by what you've just done, yet can themselves do nothing about it, is there any true adrenalin-shooting, juicy fun. You are also: 60% Achiever 53% Explorer 0% Socialiser
  25. Remothered: Tormented Fathers is another creepy horror survival game that made use of a third person view like Resident Evil and Silent Hill.
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