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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. If the money that we are talking about can take very good care of me and I still have lots of leftover, I would take that chance without thinking twice.
  2. Mostly when I'm tired of playing is when I get to let me console rest. It's not like playing too often affects the console's functionality.
  3. I'm not sure if I had purchased any game on mobile that's cost at $25 - $30. When I get console games at that amount why do it on mobile?
  4. Opus: Echo of Starsong is another game with a lot of wired but interesting puzzles that can last for up to 8-10 hours of gameplay.
  5. What's the gameplay of Murdered: Soul Suspect like? Is it a shooting game or adventure based? I do like FPS games most of the time.
  6. When I was learning how to play PES and even FIFA, I do get end up beaten more than 6-0. The kind of humiliation I suffered at the hands of my friends was horrible.
  7. November is already around the corner and I have equally started making arrangements for the game too. Rockstar with GTA always gives the best.
  8. When it comes to open world games, Skyrim is at least among the top 10 there is. There are a few bugs here and there in the game but it's a decent one.
  9. Some people do that and it shocks me. Although, I do assume that maybe they read the game reviews before purchasing it but to me the trailer would have been a good fit.
  10. I'm always concerned about the quality of products sold on eBay. It's why I'm always skeptical ordering often from them.
  11. 2201? Haha, I know it's a typo error you wanted to write 2001. Of course yes, I have started playing video games back in the days of 2001.
  12. Opus: Echo of Starsong on PC is one great game of 2021 that's basically a 10 hours game but you feel like you have spent all day on it with how crazily difficult its puzzle can get.
  13. Activision did a very good job with what they did on Destiny 2 production. They use to be careless with some of their games but not with Destiny 2.
  14. I learnt playing with my father who's very old now, so it got more interesting for me growing up playing it both offline and online.
  15. Not that I'm too rich to spend unnecessarily on games but with my trading on cryptocurrencies, I can easily make a careless money and I can buy any game easily.
  16. Yeah - it's something that bond us together easily. There was a day when I had to sleep over at one of my friend's because it was too late for me to come back.
  17. It was a very big apartment. It can house at least 10 to 15 people at once in the living room where my game was set up.
  18. It's been exactly what I have been doing for years now. I simply play both online and online as far as I can get both games, they are essential to my gaming experience.
  19. It's actually the fans that are in support of their bugs, if they have complained bitterly about it and put up an action for it, I'm sure EA must have taken them very seriously by now.
  20. EA is not really concerned about the bugs in their games, if not most of them new games that had bugs in it would be fixed even before its release.
  21. Well their fans are giving them full support when it comes to purchasing their games, so why would they be bothered?
  22. God of War is definitely from God Hand or am I wrong? They are two different games unless you are not aware.
  23. Personally, I don't blame EA for the bugs especially in their FIFA games but the gamers who keep buying them like them. It tells them that it's not an issue for them at all.
  24. Yeah - truth be told after looking through the site for the second time last night, I kind of liked it and how it's set up. I may register an account on it soon.
  25. I'm guessing the same thing as well because if they have any kind of challenge with money, they will make sure they checked out the games before buying.
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