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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. There is a very slim chance that you can actually be able to know a boring game from just watching their trailers. Reviews might work.
  2. Exactly - you can only be at work for how long that you can't wait and take care of work first to play your games whenever you get home.
  3. Hopefully, sooner or later, I will be able to have a feel of what it's like to play on that gaming console. I will never give up on it till it's done.
  4. Seriously, new ones are always the best in my opinion. Yes, they may be costly but if you used them with care, they will definitely last longer than the fairly used ones.
  5. How in the world today would you be able to monitor online activities when it comes to video games and what people do in terms of gaming community? There is freewill and it's the main problem.
  6. They are most likely getting bribed one way or another because I don't see any reason why they shouldn't do their job and get the record set straight.
  7. That's equally true. They have far more important things to increase their chances of making more money than just waste it on silly things unnecessarily.
  8. This is exactly my brother's feeling when it comes to FIFA games. He's never purchased any of their games as long as I can remember. He's of the opinion he can't deal with all the bugs.
  9. That's one very thing with any kind of video games, there will always be a fan out there that will tell you it's their favorite game and you can't change their mind about it.
  10. I had a full fun with playing Forza Horizon 4 on my PC today. It's one of the best open world racing games that's hit the PC platform.
  11. Anything that's got to do with online services comes with the two side of the coin. You get to experience both of them and decide to keep on being with it or talk a walk.
  12. They have sucked over for years and it's still frustrating that they are being supported by a lot of fans who gives them the reason to still be horrible with their games.
  13. Yeah - I can't believe that I did not remember that character outrightly. Even in the MK movie, I kinda liked his character and fighting style.
  14. Seriously, I wouldn't blame anyone who doesn't want to get it anymore because of what they all passed through with the first horrible release.
  15. Over here, they are pretty good. Yes, their products are a bit steep in prices, that is something that I wouldn't argue at all.
  16. I don't doubt it anymore if it's from itel. They are the worst smartphone company that I have ever seen in years. Nothing they do last long.
  17. Yeah, that's very possible for all they care. With their aggressive use of micro transactions, they won't stress too much about it.
  18. Yeah, smartphone will keep getting sophisticated in the future while the games that are available on it will keep getting better and better.
  19. It's the only place where Apple store is better than Google store because they do take a look at all the apps that gets approved to be available on their store are safe proof.
  20. When there was a huge mess up with the release of Cyberpunk 2077, my friend got his full refund for the game as he couldn't play it on its PS4 then. He never agreed to get it again now it's out again.
  21. The bugs that comes with most FIFA games are what keeps me from getting them once they are released. I prefer to wait and see out the bugs before getting the game.
  22. After posting about Deathloop in the day, I had to recommend it to my colleagues at work and he purchased it immediately on steam. I can't wait to hear about his experience with it.
  23. Heatman


    It's on my PC. I was trying to get some game time with TE and it was just messing up my time with not connecting. The VPN came to my rescue.
  24. The truth of the matter is that you would never really be able to get rid of them in such community because they are like cancer that spread so fast and corrupt other people.
  25. Exactly, if they take off gaming on smartphone, they are most likely to provide another platform similar to smartphone that will be easier for people to make use of.
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