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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. I would beg to differ from that assessment because it's just too strong that it breaks easily. When it's elastic, it would be very hard to break.
  2. It's not a bad thing to have a follower who aid you with the game task and battles if necessary. As long as they bring something wort it to the table, I will welcome them.
  3. See this greedy fellow 😂. Who wouldn't want $5,000? You ain't the only one who needs to get PS5 as soon as possible. If I can get it gifted to me as Christmas present, it would make my year.
  4. I haven't really played the game even when I already purchased it. The story of my life when it comes to having an incredibly increasing backlog of games not yet opened.
  5. I only managed to play Tomb Raider for about an hour today before getting my duty calls. I might still play it before I get to bed.
  6. In summary, It's simple all about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg selling Facebook users data which was used to influence USA presidential elections. You can read more on it here. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/us/politics/cambridge-analytica-scandal-fallout.html
  7. Scorpion and Subzero are my favorite characters in Mortal Kombat. I do love to use Radin once in a while because of his powers as an Elder gods.
  8. I believe that he's already mentioned the difference in them both on each console which is basically the slightly improved graphics.
  9. I would only task myself to start learning how to use if the game I'm supposed to play can only be played with using analog.
  10. Exactly - it's one the things that's very annoying with FIFA games. They are full of bugs that are very annoying which ruins the gameplay most of the time.
  11. His death either way was very traumatic for me in the game. How it happened didn't sink in well.
  12. Seriously - till date when it comes to these buttons, I'm not used to analog and I can't help. I can't even get to start learning how to use it at this age.
  13. If it's keeping the records of what most people purchased their Playstation 5, it's definitely going to something that's worth it for me as I'm yet to buy the console.
  14. Alright mate. I hope it goes well with your purchase as well. If there aren't too much bugs with the game, you are absolutely going to enjoy playing it.
  15. Let's see how it goes, I might be getting either of those FIFA games at least by the end of next month. It might be a good game to play with friends who would come over this Christmas.
  16. There will definitely be plenty of time for you to get right back into the game and have a great with playing it. It took me a while before getting into it as well.
  17. Yeah - it's something that I do every once in a while as it's the only option that I can come with it in such situation.
  18. Yeah - it's where I play it and it's the only place it's available. It's available for both Apple and Android devices as well.
  19. Yeah, it was a very good game. As much as I don't fancy puzzle games, I made an exception for the ones that came with Lara Croft Tomb Raider.
  20. I might probably do that but I'm not sure yet. If I have the money 💵 to purchase both of them at once, I will most likely be doing it.
  21. My head is too small to carry and contain all of such details that aren't that much of relevance. Why would I be interested in keeping that memory? I can't buy the game console again.
  22. I said that I would most likely get both of them at the same time because I'm yet to get either the FIFA 21 or FIFA 22.
  23. It's something that's part of some games that you can't really do without not playing the puzzles that comes with the game. It's just like the ones that are in Tomb Raider.
  24. It's actually why I'm very selective of the companies that I purchase anything that's tech related in case there will be need to use my warranty.
  25. Some people are very good with such and I think that there is a way to get to find out from your gaming platform how long you have played a particular game on it.
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