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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. No, the game isn't available on any platform but PC and smartphone for now. Maybe they will port to consoles in the future.
  2. Yeah - with the way the little kid was following the lady without making their walk difficult shows he's a good follower. If your game companion is doing same, you won't have any problems with carrying him along.
  3. It's going to be very hard for me to take up such a project of online game streaming because I believe I don't have the skills to do so. Let me just enjoy those that are good at it.
  4. Some gamers are well too attached to a particular console they played with. There is a friend of mine who still plays on his PS1 now.
  5. Yeah - there is absolutely nothing wrong with the game on PS3. If I still had my Playstation 3, I would play the game freely on the console.
  6. Oh! I get it now. I was actually thinking it's all the other way around what you meant, but anyways it's all cool.
  7. Age doesn't really have anything to do with one being able to enjoy games. There was an old member who joined the forum a while ago that was above 70 years. It was unbelievable.
  8. Apart from the scene where White Phosphorus was used to kill innocent people in the game, I enjoyed everything about the game.
  9. Are you seriously kidding me? Well, all I can say is that you should just give it a try even if it's for 30 minutes and then you can decide.
  10. I don't really know why I had that kind of emotional experience with that particular scene in the game. I still can't explain it till date.
  11. Those up and down, left and right side button are my traditional favorite when it comes to controlling my characters. Analog is hard for me to use.
  12. If I had purchased the game through online store, I would still be able to get the payment receipt on my mobile banking but it was through offline store.
  13. It's not really that difficult to play if you have experienced with FM. They are just almost the same thing but the graphics in TE is very intriguing.
  14. It's a meme from the looks of it. I actually shared it from Gif just to explain more on the subject of how a follower behaves.
  15. Money is the very essence of our existence. There is nothing that we can do without having money. So, if spending more time on playing games will pay me more, I will definitely do it.
  16. The Last of Us Part 2 Joel Death is one that was very emotional for me as well. I really felt too bad with how everything went down with his death.
  17. Don't you see how good and calm he was just following the lady that was taking him on a course. It's not making life difficult for the leader as a follower.
  18. I'd believe that you missed out adding God of War unknowingly because it's far more a very complete game of all time.
  19. Yeah, when you are paired up with a pro, and you witness how good he or she is with playing the game, if you are not determined to learn, you will be discouraged and give up on the game.
  20. It's been ages since I purchased my SEGA console. There is no way you would expect me to remember the cost at which I purchased it years ago.
  21. I didn't get to play much with my analog on my PS1 or PS2 controller. Playing with it feels weird to me, but it never stopped the console to look like shit over a period of time.
  22. The reason question is whether or this use of facial recognition won't be easily manipulated? Someone with an older friend can easily use his friends to set up a game up and running by using his face to unlock the game.
  23. BioShock game series is very much available and playable on Playstation 3. Here is gameplay session of the game on PS3.
  24. As much as I so much love my Playstation 2, when I got my Playstation 4, it took all my love away with it. I'd never easily play with PS2 now.
  25. It's God of War that I had that kind of attachment to when it was released. I have over 1000 hours invested in the game in the course of one year.
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