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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, this is my very take on how they should be making use of microtransactions in their games. Once they are not abusing it, it's welcome in my opinion.
  2. Yeah - once it's something that you can easily related to, it's cool in my opinion. There are some gamers that name their characters based on their personal names.
  3. Exactly - I never really experienced that with my PS4 console that I'm currently playing with now. It's still as it was when I got it, although I have 4 different controllers for the it.
  4. Most of these applications don't necessarily drain the battery but choke the RAM and make the phone to lag when it's been used.
  5. That's very funny to link it up like that but anyways it's not a big deal. I understand what you are trying to say, although some might be confused thinking it's the same game.
  6. Yeah - what I'm trying to say is that there's what's called factory fault and it can come in any particular batch of consoles made. If you are unlucky, it's most likely to affect your own console.
  7. Well, it's their first duty to try as much as possible to market their products aggressively but it's the buyers decision to buy.
  8. Personally, I'm not asking for it to be eliminated completely because these guys do need money believe me. But let it be done with moderation.
  9. Now, that's where you're getting it perfectly right by seeking for further information from gaming community and not decide based on using trailers alone.
  10. Yeah - in most cases it's what happens with such kids with parents who aren't fit to train their kids in an upright manner.
  11. Sometimes, you even need to ask questions about what you see them do when playing. Like you see a move executed, you ask for the control combination that was used.
  12. Yeah - it's not that far away right now with less than a month to its release. We are in store for a major blast with the game.
  13. As long as there is a very good point at which you can have access to the free internet Wi-Fi, you should set up your timetable for it and have it used when you are in such environment.
  14. They were never fun to me from the beginning of their inception. Yeah, I do get that some people might have enjoyed it but it's not for me.
  15. Just like this Sunday morning, I crave smashed potatoes and sauce, if I don't have the money to get it fixed up or order in, would I get the food served up for me by playing games from now till mid day?
  16. I really do believe that it's something that they can't help not doing. It's part of who they are already with games or no games.
  17. Exactly. It's pretty boring when you drive without music, it's probably the main reason why they made incredible soundtrack for the game.
  18. It's really why I'm finding it very difficult to leave using Android for iPhone. Yes, the security of iPhone is great but I simply love android features better.
  19. Heatman


    I'm not sure if I would be getting my subscription renewed next year with my VPN. I think it's outlived its usefulness to me as of now.
  20. It's definitely going to be something that's worth investing in from the looks of things on how the cryptocurrency market is going lately with BTC over $60k.
  21. I believe so too. Just like the Mi pad 4 device that you talked about getting for yourself. It's definitely a very good piece for gaming experience.
  22. I never had any doubt about you have all the consoles because I used to have all the consoles controllers of my SEGA console, PS1 to PS4.
  23. Heatman

    Poco X3 Pro

    Seriously, the RAM is a very vital part of any phone that I'd make use of because I really hate it when my device lags as a result of overloaded RAM.
  24. Heatman

    Word Games

    Most ladies that I know of find it very interesting to play word games. There is a lady in my neighborhood that does not joke with the game.
  25. Heatman

    Juicy Realm

    Yeah - once the game sells as it's expected, there is always going to be a possibility that there will be sequels of it made.
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