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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Well, once your craze is created for you alone, it's not a problem as far as I'm concerned. But when you allow it to affect those close to you, it's not something good.
  2. It looks unprofessional when you're playing video games with your work PC at the office. Even if it's during your launch time, it will breed suspicion that you do it even during work hours.
  3. Once the headset is locked in, all possibilities of getting side interference will be eliminated and the words in the game conversation made clear.
  4. If he owns all the consoles currently, then he should definitely own all of the controllers that he listed. You can't play any without the controllers.
  5. Life is Strange: True Colors is one great adventure game of 2021 that I'm very sure that you will love to get into.
  6. Uncharted series have been a great addition in the game set up by Naughty Dogs. I'm currently anticipating playing Uncharted 5 on PS5 once I get my hands on it.
  7. This is actually the new Contra game that I'm talking about. It looks quite interesting with the graphics upgrades.
  8. There is a possibility that you will learn with good pace when playing on moderate level of difficulty. Jumping straight into very hard will frustrate your life.
  9. It's not portable mate. Maybe you didn't look at it very closely. It's bigger, although with a sleek design that's very fancy.
  10. Some people would tell you that when the money isn't a big deal for them, why wait when they can afford the game even if the price was doubled.
  11. I'm sure that in most cases they wouldn't went to go through the stress of doing that because just looking at, it doesn't look like an easy task at all.
  12. If PES never took the path they did with their greed, their games would definitely be dominating the market now but it's all FIFA now.
  13. Heatman

    PS3 worth.

    Although, I personally still have much respect for gamers who are still stuck on these old PS consoles and not because they don't have money to upgrade but out of their attachment to the game.
  14. I just got into playing Uncharted 4 all over again in a very long time I stopped the game. It gives me a new feeling into the game genre.
  15. Yeah - they would have eliminated the usage of CDs in games if they had the plans by now. Just like they have done it with some gadgets that makes use of CDs.
  16. It's always the routine of all companies to try as much as possible to make more money from selling their products and gaming companies aren't left out with what Sony has been doing with their PS consoles.
  17. Playing Mortal Kombat on smartphone is really not motivating for me at all. I have tried it a few times and never liked it.
  18. It's not really a space or storage problem from how the OP described the issue with the PS3 not playing those games it's supposed to. It's purely maintenance fault.
  19. Heatman

    Share Play

    Yeah - many outdoor activities have been limited drastically by the pandemic of coronavirus. People can't hang out together easily now to have fun.
  20. If a video game graphics set is very beautiful, appreciating it is a very normal thing to do. Take a look at how realistic the graphics in Cyberpunk 2077 was, it's a thing of beauty.
  21. Personally, I find it very difficult to play with a repaired hardware. It's why I'm very careful about how I handle my controllers because once it's damaged, I'm replacing it.
  22. Well, they still have some games that are strictly Playstation 5 exclusive games. The aim is to help sell the console quickly with limiting playing such games only on PS5.
  23. I don't think that there is any gamer who wouldn't get bored with playing repetitive games over and over again. It's like asking one to keep repeating a class he's passed before. It's definitely going to be very boring.
  24. It's all about the marketing strategy to sell the console quickly but in the end most of these games will be ported to other gaming platforms.
  25. When there is no uniqueness in each location in open world games, it makes a mess of the game plot generally. Repetitive tasks kills the interest of most games including open world games.
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