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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Seriously, that never cease to amaze me and they still complain that the state needs influx of funds to increase the taxes always.
  2. Heatman

    Share Play

    Well, I hope that the pandemic of coronavirus that's messing up everything gets taken care of sooner, so we can enjoy such share play again.
  3. The pictures looks great but then again you can have a better view and its appreciation with the video of the hardware.
  4. There are some people who are actually did get PS5 on pre-order. At least, I know about 3 people who did but it's not really advisable in my opinion.
  5. This game Destruction AllStars is among the PS5 exclusive games that I really enjoy.
  6. @Shagger I believe that the thread is due to be locked since the console Playstation 5 is already out and fully functional...🚶.
  7. Yeah - and I actually think that the reason why they did this was for their fans to see the amount of work that was put into making the console.
  8. Playstation 4 being the last and closest console to PS5, should afford it the possibility of having its games playable on the console.
  9. Seriously, aren't we tired of repeating same thing over and over again? This is something they should have done sooner.
  10. From the looks of things, it's no longer worth the stress for the company and they are very good at prioritizing their business.
  11. That scalpers are still in business is all down to our impatient tendency that makes them keep selling and keep growing in numbers.
  12. Well, there was never a time we were expecting the price of Playstation 5 to be that cheap looking at how it's built.
  13. Yeah - it's a nice thought to have such games across multiple platforms but some games aren't meant to be played on all platforms as they can't carry the game.
  14. One thing that I believe Sony is very good at is with their marketing strategy and efforts to capture the market and have control of it.
  15. It's actually something that my brother would like getting into since he also still plays on his PS4 console. I'm definitely shifting it to him.
  16. Gamers taste can never end and as long as they have that desire that Sony sees, they will keep upgrading their PS consoles.
  17. I was amazed when I visited my buddy from the hood back in the days when we were young and he's still got and plays with his PS2.
  18. Seriously, there was no way I would have missed playing on Plays 1 because it really was a big thing in my neighborhood.
  19. The launch trailer of the game Fahrenheit (Indigo Prophecy) looks great. I had to look for the trailer.
  20. Personally, I'd start making arrangements to steal people's Playstation 5 because of the worth it offers in the open market.
  21. I know that you have been having this issue with your storage on your PS4. I believe that getting a new console and likely PS5 would solve this problem permanently for you.
  22. Personally, I never really missed any generation in the Playstation consoles. So, I started with the PS1 to PS4 and waiting to get the PS5.
  23. Yeah - it's very useful and I have already started making use of it in backing up my files to avoid any loss.
  24. I believe that Sony is trying its best not to copy PC gaming platform but to make something that's unique to their brand. We may never see the 1440p on PS consoles.
  25. Seriously, it's not only you that feels that way towards the game RDR2. Perhaps, if it's something that they get to do one day, you will see there are lots of gamers that wish for same.
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