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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. They are basically doing what's best for their business and for the fact that they are still milking GTA 5 well, they wouldn't end it sooner.
  2. Do you mean the Duolingo language learning application? I came across it a while ago but never got a chance to test it out.
  3. Not sure if second person perspective games is going to be a reality in any kind of games. As it's not in both PC and consoles, it's most likely not going to be on mobile games.
  4. Exactly - once I find myself in a situation when I need something to distract me from a boring session, then it's going to mobile games.
  5. Yeah - it's something that's very approved by Google Play Store when it comes to refund on apps. When I paid for my Cryptotab Pro browser, I was given the option to ask for refund.
  6. If Apple would be open for its store to be accessed by other devices other than Apple products, they would have before now.
  7. Games seems to be something that most people go into for a long run, so if the games does not offer what they promised, gamers are most likely to drop it.
  8. Heatman

    Poco X3 Pro

    Camon cameras seems to be a good set of cameras that most phones comes with at the moment. Tecno brands seems to make use of it regularly.
  9. Merlin is definitely going be something that comes up to the names you might be choosing from as well.
  10. Exactly - they might get stuck in a particular game for far too long that it might start affecting their psychological well being.
  11. They are the very best characters in the world of football today with the likes of Mbappe and Halland being looked up at to replace them.
  12. It's already out, so my dream is about to get fulfilled within the shortest possible time.
  13. Once you some information missed as a result of not paying full attention as a result of music distraction, it's definitely going to make you come back to the same task again to get such information.
  14. Why not get ride of most games that you can't really get into now that are messing things up for you at the moment?
  15. Once there is something that is worth the talk about a particular game and I have someone who's willing to talk about it, I'm definitely getting engaged in the talk.
  16. It's always very difficult to get more gaming time when you have a lot of things to take care of that are more important than having fun.
  17. Some people can't really take serious banter. I have had some experience with a few people and knew right away to mind my own business.
  18. If you have a steady source of income, saving money for such project wouldn't be too difficult to achieve.
  19. If you eventually have the fake scam websites bookmarked, it all boils down to dealing with shit site that might end up scamming you.
  20. Making money from YouTube channel isn't an easy thing to do because if so, a lot of people would be doing that already.
  21. Yeah - it's something that's happened to me a few times. Over curiosity is really something that's not too good.
  22. And in the game, the never go anywhere while the addict suffers a great deal.
  23. Exactly - when I was a lot younger, I used to be frugal with my spending and it's something that helped put my spending on anything in check.
  24. Seriously, it's part of the biggest challenges most people face in such situations. You have to be able to take care of yourself before jumping into marriage and having kids.
  25. Exactly - free will is all about being able to decide what to do and when to do it without any restrictions whatsoever. If it's not like that, then it's not a choice really.
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