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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - with time which we don't have any timeframe, it's definitely going to be brought to its knees and dealt. I remember the time of Ebola virus, it was dealt with.
  2. Are you kidding me ๐Ÿ˜‚? Pay up for more deeper explanation then... ๐Ÿƒ ๐Ÿ˜‚.
  3. Heatman

    Word Games

    Exactly - it's all about the luck he's got in just randomly moving the pieces all over. There is no planned strategy in it.
  4. Apple is too stingy to themselves in every way possible. It's actually why I can't use their products yet.
  5. There is no rush mate. I know how long it took me to start playing Ghost of Tsushima and Skyrim. So, take your time.
  6. Yeah - COD franchise is only good face that the company have tried very hard to maintain and I'm sure it's what still keeps people playing it always.
  7. It's quite an interesting game from the little time I have seen my niece connected to its play.
  8. It's literally not among your favorite genre of play. I'm not surprised that you ain't considering getting it ๐Ÿ˜‰.
  9. It's been a while since I played TLOU2. Looks like I'd getting into it today.
  10. Microtransactions is what killed both PES and the so called eFootball they changed it to and it's never going to recover from it.
  11. Football injuries are frustrating. From the little experience I have had myself shows a glimpse of what professional footballers go through.
  12. But to be very honest with you, it's going to be a very big punishment making a gamer to only play one video game.
  13. There are so many interesting and exciting games to play from so many franchise than killing myself with a boring game.
  14. Heatman

    Word Games

    I wouldn't call him being good at the game but just being overtly lucky with how his guess works for him.
  15. That's gonna be an impressive battle. I can't seem to remember a game that gives such battle feeling with dragon.
  16. Seriously, it's actually what makes me not to take anything they say as a serious matter because they don't even know a priority when they see one.
  17. I'm bookmarking the page and should it be dire I need the controller, so it would be easier for me to find the page.
  18. Exactly - they are actually leaning towards perfection in VR games with a little more areas that needs to be attended to.
  19. If that's the case then, you're a master at the game. So, permit me to call you Shifu (Master)
  20. Exactly - once it's very obvious that they are repeatedly giving me the same thing with their mission, I'm not going to waste more time on it.
  21. Seriously, it's quite challenging as a kid growing up in my neighborhood that time. I'm glad my kids wouldn't have to go through what I did.
  22. Seriously, they are making me love the game Ghost of Tsushima more and more with their policies. They are working on not allowing any kind of nicro-transactions in the game.
  23. Seriously, no one's ever comfortable with their gaming addiction, whether as a kid or as an adult because it costs us a lot.
  24. Yeah - it's something that is very annoying about how they go with their game developments and still expect to make millions from it which they actually do.
  25. I think it's actually what the game companies CEO want the developers to make or the available resources they give them is what they work with.
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