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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Heatman


    How many games are we looking at that you had sold with your PS2 for the price of $75-$100?
  2. Now, that's really understandable. It's not going to be possible to recommend any games that you are yet to play ; hell I'm not even saying that you should because personally I can't either.
  3. You mean for the fact that most people can't really go out to buy the physical copies of the games they wanted to buy right?
  4. Yeah - it's actually how I started out with playing video games. I got stuck up with some old pals who are very deep into gaming and picked up learning from them.
  5. To some of their fanboys, EA is still the best company when it comes to their video games. It's actually why they are so loud most of the time.
  6. Well, they have come a very long way in making their gaming companies what it is in the world today, so making profits is inevitable.
  7. Now we are both hit the same way because I'm wondering how he got to play it already to know it's gives the same feeling of BF4.
  8. Which particular older version of Assassin's Creed are you referring to because I'm getting lost already with this?
  9. I'm still trying very hard to find the link up between having a game influencing your empathy and the use of microtransactions thwarting that.
  10. Heatman

    Until Dawn

    Yeah - it's actually the same thing with most people all over the world as it's never going to be a possible task for one to play all the video games that are ever produced.
  11. You're definitely going to enjoy it playing on PC because it's on my PC that I played it out first and never bothered to play it on my PS4 again.
  12. It's absolutely compatible with Playstation 4. I have it on my Playstation 4 and I have actually completed the game.
  13. There is nothing wrong with being a Playstation console lover. I'm actually one myself but it doesn't stop me from playing on my PC too.
  14. Yeah - There are some occasions where I had to leave playing my own console at home and go to public game house to mix up play with a lot of people.
  15. Yeah, I have been a console gamers for as long as I can remember and it's not that I don't enjoy other gaming platforms.
  16. Yeah - some games customization is very impressive and it gets a lot of gamers the satisfaction they look out for in their characters costume.
  17. Call of Duty Modern Warfare isn't an easy one too and I'm very sure that the new release that's coming up in Call of Duty Vanguard wouldn't be easy too.
  18. Yeah - a video game that got me to spend more than $60 on it will definitely not be that easy for me to move on easily especially when I just started playing it.
  19. Yeah - it's something that's going to make the FIFA 22 be very interesting for a lot of FIFA fans. Personally, I'm looking forward to playing CR7 once again in Manchester United team.
  20. Well, some of these companies have paid the hefty prices with some of the decisions they got wrong with their production decisions.
  21. Yeah - it's actually what has made the game genre sell very well irrespective of the silly things the company behind it makes with some of their games.
  22. Well, PC is always the best platform for games because of what you can be able to do on it and with less bugs to deal with. PS5 is also very good to play Skyrim.
  23. Yeah - once there is a related control function on the controller, it's always going be giving playing issues to those who are not used to it.
  24. For the fact that you haven't actually gotten some play time on the game RDR2, you can't really know exactly how it feels. Just play it and have your thoughts on it.
  25. Seriously, you can't really blame them because some countries have free internet access - free Wi-Fi connection, so they have a justification in making their game files that big.
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