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Everything posted by Heatman

  1. Yeah - That's the point. You'd definitely 90% get everything that you want to get online. The only issue is whether you are willing to pay for it? It's why dark web also exist as well, as things that you can't easily get in the open market is sold there.
  2. Getting a pre-built system is definitely going to be the very best option and way forward for him. Trying to build one himself might not end up well.
  3. Yeah - it's dead alright because I can't even remember the last time I saw anyone played Wining Eleven till date.
  4. Exactly - and that's the reality of what we have in the gaming industry today. Will it ever get better or still keep getting worst?
  5. Yeah - It's ever been the blueprint of how most governments work. They are always in for something that's going to benefit them in the end.
  6. Exactly - It's something that's going to with us for a while and I'm not really sure if it's ever going be fixed.
  7. That might be it if you look at it very closely. They might actually be giving the department of defense on the kind of new gen guns to build.
  8. Of course yes, it's been that way for a while now and it's actually why those game companies make use of their influence on their subscribers.
  9. Yeah - There is no arguments on this one about how good both DMC 4 and DMC 5 are in terms of gameplay.
  10. Seriously, it's actually my very first time of hearing about someone who's making use of Windows 11.
  11. Reality check : Please try as much as possible not to get eaten by the dragon 🐲 or have your a** burnt in the fight.
  12. For the ones that came with age restrictions, I believe that the parents will take care of it not being allowed for kids to play them.
  13. It's link up with the graphics tune up in games is something that is very obvious but to some people, it's not really that a big deal from how it's reacted to recently.
  14. Bing is one search engine that I really tried to make use of back then but I never really liked the website interface.
  15. The only challenge that you would have with this strategy is not having access to the password when you're not where it's kept.
  16. Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
  17. Now, that's something that I think I would be able to give a try and see how good or bad my cooking skills have been for a while now.
  18. Yeah - some video games are really boring from the beginning and if it's something that I found myself into, it wouldn't take too long for me end playing it.
  19. Most kids are addicted to playing video games and even some adults too are addicted as well. It's a very common thing.
  20. I actually have PlayStation 4 now, it's the only PS console that I have left with my PC as well.
  21. That's how it's supposed to be playing with Playstation 5, it's supposed to offer something that's worth the money.
  22. This just got me cracking right now because I was just about asking the same question.
  23. Seriously, it's what most people who get into such arguments don't know well because they end up just making themselves hate what they should appreciate.
  24. Getting into action and adventure video games is something that would be very thrilling for you once you decide to take that step.
  25. Yeah - There is a big rift between America and China. It rubs off in everything that they are doing as well, including policy wise.
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